Really?  You removed that option.  Was that done in 3.5 or 3.0?

I was able to specify the user that the service ran as, and it installed 
correctly.  What I was unable to do was to get the package to uninstall when I 


-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Hamflett [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] install service

If you don't specify a user it gets installed as the SYSTEM user, and in this 
case it should work. 
If you need to specify a different user then things get diffcult.  I looked at 
this a few years ago on XP (at the time Vista wasn't out yet, so who knows what 
happens there) and if I remember correctly none of the other users have 
permission to start a service by default, even the Administrator.  If you open 
the Services panel and change the login details for a service, then the 
Administrator user is auto-granted the necessary permissions (a dialog tells 
you so), but until that point it's not capable.  I got round it by writing a 
deferred custom action that gave the given user the necessary rights.  
Thankfully it all got abandoned as we removed the option to specify the user 
the service ran as.


On 11/03/2010 16:21, Shabbir Ahsan wrote:
> Hi,
> I am attempting to install a windows service with wix but keep getting the 
> following error:
> Service 'MyService' (MyService) could not be installed.  Verify that you have 
> sufficient privileges to install system services.
> I have attempted as normal user, full admin user, but still get this message. 
>  Creating an install log, I can see the same error pessage but with Error 
> 1923 appended.  Looking this up, I can see the same erro message -ie no more 
> info is available on this.
> The code in my wxs file is:
> <File Id="MyServiceFile" Name="$(var.MyService.TargetFileName)" 
> Source="$(var.MyService.TargetPath)"
> DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />
> <ServiceInstall Id="MyService"
> Name="MyService" Account="NetworkService"
> Type="ownProcess"
> ErrorControl="normal"
> Description="my description"
> Start="auto"
> any help is much appreciated. thanks.
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