Pally, these are all good pointers.The LOGDIRECTORY is actually a UNC path.
The installer needs to go an create some folders there, so I'm not sure
where the correct location for it would be.

What would probably solve my problem is being able to have a separate
directory tree, defined in a separate fragment from the base directory tree.
I'll go read that tutorial and see if that gets me further.


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 4:00 AM, Pally Sandher <>wrote:

> LOGDIRECTORY is a Property not a variable & since it's all upper case
> it's a Public one
> ( Essentially
> Properties are Windows Installers variables but you can use variables in
> WiX so confusing the two now might cause you problems later on.
> I think your directory tree isn't setup correctly for what you're trying
> to do. If the directory defined by LOGDIRECTORY is the 2nd top most
> directory in the tree with everything below it you're probably doing it
> wrong. You may want to do something similar to the following instead:
>    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>       <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
>        <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="My Folder">
>          ... [your directories & components can go here]
>        </Directory>
>      </Directory>
>      <Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
>        <Directory Id="LOGDIRECTORY" >
>          ... [whatever you want under LOGDIRECTORY goes here]
>        </Directory>
>      </Directory>
>    </Directory>
> That is assuming you want LOGDIRECTORY to go somewhere under
> CommonAppData, if not modify it with the System Folder property you wish
> it to go under as appropriate (see the Property Reference on MSDN for
> other System Folder properties).
> This is covered in the tutorial at
> Palbinder Sandher
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Hammond []
> Sent: 24 March 2010 04:19
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] de-globalizing a variable referenced by a
> Directory?
> I inherited an installer with some code that looks like the following:
> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>    <Directory Id="LOGDIRECTORY" >
> The LOGDIRECTORY is a variable, and the directory name is derived from
> it.
> Unfortunately, this means that LOGDIRECTORY must always be defined, even
> when I'm trying to install a component that has nothing to do with the
> LOGDIRECTORY. Is there some way around this or should I simply make this
> a global variable and deal with the fact that it's ugly?
> Andrew
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