0. Nothing wrong with WiX v2.0. Now InstallUtil, that's a big problem.

1. Assemblies are not committed to the GAC until InstallFinalize. Thus, you
cannot depend on them during your install.

2. Nothing built into the Preprocessor about MSBuild or VS. You need to push
the values down from VS or MSBuild into candle.exe. My MSBuild-fu isn't that
strong so others may be of more use yere.

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Mark Modrall <mmodr...@mzinga.com> wrote:

> I know I know...  I shouldn't even be using it...  But I inherited this old
> hairball when I got here and no one has wanted to spend the time to upgrade.
> I tried to make a quick new installer using our already-written merge
> modules but I ran into a couple of odd quirks...
> 1)      One merge module installs a few .net assemblies in the GAC.  The
> last, custom step of the new installer is to run InstallUtil.exe on an
> assembly *using* one of the gac components.  But InstallUtil fails because
> trying to run up the assembly - bind failures, saying the gac components
> aren't there.  I've tried a number of things  (declaring InstallFiles
> explicitly, trying to explicitly set the sequence numbers, moving all the
> actions to AdminExecuteSequence) and nothing has worked.  Oddly, moving
> everything to AdminExecuteSequence ran to completion just fine - it just
> didn't execute the  custom actions.  Anyone out there contended with this?
>  Trying to put some pieces in the gac with the installer yet still have them
> available to run InstallUtil.exe on something consuming them?
> 2)      In my wxs, I tried to default the platform to the setting from the
> VS Configuration Manager, but none of the methods I found with Google
> appeared to work.  None of the supposed pre-defined variables existed, and I
> couldn't put a <DefineConstants> group in a 2.0 wix project.  Are there any
> preprocessor variables in 2.0 that will tell you what configuration you're
> running in?
> Thanks
> mark
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