Did you get any resolution on this?

Many of the problems you are describing look to me like the kinds of things
that happen when the component rules are violated. No amount of
hacks/workarounds cleans up the mess in that case.

Some questions: which build of the wix toolset are you using? How are you
generating your component guids? Are you generating your installer code as
part of your build, and if so, how?

Principally what has to happen (for the component rules) is that each file
should generally be in its own component, that component's GUID should be
stable (only change if the file either moves or is renamed) from build to
build, and the FileVersion of the files should also change build-to-build
(.NET uses AssemblyVersion, not FileVersion, for strong-name matching, so
that shouldn't be hard to do). For GUID generation, I recommend '*' since
the code automatically follows the above rules for stability relative to
filename and directory, but that requires WiX 3.x. Also, don't change your
directory layouts from build to build without thinking about them a lot

For 32-bit/64-bit: create two MSIs and only install the MSI corresponding to
each platform. An x64 MSI can place anything exactly where you want it on
any x64 platform, and an x86 MSI will place things exactly where 32-bit code
can/will find it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas C. Corelis [mailto:t...@xlotus.net] 
Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 2:33 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] On managing dependency hell with WiX and C#

Hi everyone,


I posted the following question originally at Stack Overflow (here:
http://tinyurl.com/yb6n9qb) and it was suggested I bring it up here:


"We are on the eve of product launch, and at the last minute I am being
bombarded with crash reports that appear to be related to our installer,
which is a WiX3 project with separate outputs for x86 and x64 builds.
These have been an ongoing problem that I always thought were fixed,
only to find out that they were still lurking.


"The product itself is a collection of binaries that communicate with
each other via .Net remoting, including a Windows Service and a small
COM component that is loaded as an addon in another app. The service
runs as SYSTEM, the COM piece runs in a low-rights context, while the
other pieces run in normal user contexts. Other pieces include an
third-party COM object library DLL and a shared DLL with the .net
Remoting interfaces.


"I've observed flat-out weird behavior with MSI, particularly on version
upgrades. Between MS' anal strong-name implementation (specifically, the
exact version check before loading a given assembly), a documented
WiX/MSI bug that sees critical files erased on upgrades (essentially, if
a file in the upgrade MSI has the same version number as the existing
install, that file is deleted), and having to work around Wow64
virtualization (x86 MSI can only write to registry/HD locations via
Wow64, yet x64 MSIs cannot run on x86 computers...), I am about ready to
trash the whole thing and port it over to a different install system
(NSIS maybe?).


"What I am looking for on tips + tricks, techniques, or suggestions on
how to properly do things so that I am not fighting with Windows
Installer's twisted sense of logic. I am tired of fighting with
WiX/MSI/Windows Installer. All it needs to do is place files and
registry keys where I tell it to, upgrade them when appropriate, and
don't delete anything until the user uninstalls, preferably without
hacks. Instead, dependencies are deleted willy-nilly, much code is
duplicated, and my app is throwing up a whole bunch of weird,
uncatchable 'assembly not found' exceptions.


"I am particularly interested in 'best practices' and examples regarding
shared and dependency DLLs, and any tips on making sure if a file needs
to go to GAC, that it actually goes to the GAC and stays there until it
is appropriate to remove it."


I have specific examples I can provide if needed, but to be honest the
code on my end has been rewritten so many times that I am not sure how
useful such things are. I would love to re-simplify the master wxs file,
as right now it is quite large and has a fair amount of duplication due
to the need for separate x86 and x86/x64 support. I've tried spinning
out various pieces into merge modules, placing required files in GAC,
placing required in the install folders... and every time, I run in to
problems with the users' upgrade process.





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