Total shot in the dark, but are you declaring the deferred CA Impersonate="No"? 
Otherwise you're running as the calling user, so maybe it's something to do 
with CAS.

dB. @ 
Moscow|Geneva|Seattle|New York

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Langley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 11:28 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] managed custom action cannot access target directory

I have written a deferred CA which I need to manipulate a file that is
placed in the target-directory, at the end of the install.


What is weird is that the path is correctly evaluated in my logging
messages, but when I use the path to open a file, it says FILE NOT
FOUND, even though I KNOW the file is there.

I put in some extra logging, to enumerate the contents of the folder to
prove that the file DOES exist, and I got this surprising result:



      APPCONFIGPATH = C:\Program

      SECTIONTOENCRYPT = secureAppSettings

Attempting to load 'C:\Program
Files\Company\Client\Client.Windows.exe.config', to encrypt section

Configuration file 'C:\Program
Files\Company\Client\Client.Windows.exe.config' was not found, have you
scheduled the CA to execute after files are installed?

Enumerating files in

      - Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll


As you can see, I am enumerating my target folder, but as soon as I
start operating on the filesystem (such as Directory.GetFiles()), the
.net runtime resolves all my queries to the GAC path where
Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.dll lives!!!

What is up with that? Why am I being sandboxed like this??


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