We use Wix 3.0.

Some of our customers complain that the installer doesn't recognize USB drive 
or other removable storage when installing. 

So basically, in "Destination Folder" page, the end user tried to change the 
install folder to a USB drive. But there is no USB drive showing up in 
drop-down list. When the end user tried to change the folder from "Folder 
name:" field, she got an error says:
Installation directory must be on a local hard drive.

I did some research and found this is not a Wix limitation, but MSI's. So my 
questions are:
1. Is there a way to get rid of it? I think it makes sense to allow the end 
user to install the software on their portable devices.
2. What's the purpose of this limitation? Security? I understand this is 
probably MSI's limitation. But if you happen to know the reason, please help me 
understand it.



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