I have a custom action that is fired from a UI button that ultimately sets a 
value to a property which is displayed in an Edit box on the same UI.  It is 
working fine, but only the first time.  If I clear the edit box and immediately 
hit the button again, the value doesn't show up.

I know the custom action isn't the issue.  In fact, if you just go back one 
dialog and then forward again, the value shows up. So it is indeed setting the 
property correctly.  It's just that the Edit box appears to stop listening for 
changes to its property after the first time.

The specific case I'm having this is on a dialog that has a field to enter a 
username, and a browse pick it from active directory using the 
DirectoryObjectPicker from the msiext project. (Thanks dblock).  The dialog is 
exactly as presented in the example usage for that custom action.  I've also 
tested it with a different custom action of my own, and the same thing happens, 
so it's not anything specific to the custom actions.  It's just a bug with how 
the edit box displays changes to properties.

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Wix or in MSI itself?  Perhaps there's a way I 
can work around it?  I didn't see any way to subscribe to a property changed 
event.  Let me know if it's a Wix bug and I'll open an issue on sourceforge.

Just to reiterate, this problem is reproduced by the following steps:
1) Put an edit control and a pushbutton control on a dialog.
2) Publish a custom action to the pushbutton that sets a property value
3) Set the edit control so it displays and edits that property value
4) Build, run the setup and get to your dialog
5) Push the button and see the value show up in the edit box.
6) Change the text in the edit box to anything, or clear it.
7) Push the button again and notice the edit box did not change this time!
8) For giggles, click back, then next, and notice the edit box now shows the 
correct value.


Director of Application Development
Time America, Inc.
ma...@timeamerica.com | www.timeamerica.com


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