Here is one example where you can try insert additional targets (bases)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="";>

  <?include VersionDefinitions.wxi ?>
  <?include PatchCreationDefinitions.wxi ?>

  <!-- patch id needs to be updated -->
  <PatchCreation Id="{codes}"
                 Codepage="1252" >
  <PatchInformation Description="Product $(var.MAJORMINORVERSION) Update"
                 Keywords="Installer Update Hotfix Patch"
                 Comments="Patches Product $(var.MAJORMINORVERSION)"
                 Manufacturer="My Co"

  <PatchMetadata Description="Product $(var.MAJORMINORVERSION) (Update 
                 DisplayName="Product $(var.MAJORMINORVERSION) (Update 
                 TargetProductName="Product $(var.MAJORMINORVERSION)"
                 ManufacturerName="My Co"
                 OptimizedInstallMode="yes" />

    <Family Name="$(var.FAMILYID)" DiskId="2" 
MediaSrcProp="PATCH$(var.THISBUILD)" SequenceStart="$(var.SEQSTART)"  >
      <UpgradeImage  Id="Patch$(var.CURQFEID)" 
SourceFile="$(var.CURQFEPATH)\myupgrade.msi" >
        <TargetImage Id="PatchRTM" Order="1" IgnoreMissingFiles="no" 
SourceFile="$(var.RTMPATH)\mytarget.msi" />
      <!-- add new targets here -->
  </Family >

  <TargetProductCode Id="$(var.PRODUCTCODE)" />

    <PatchSequence PatchFamily="$(var.FAMILYNAME)"
                   Sequence="$(var.SEQUENCE)" />

-----Original Message-----
From: XorPtr [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 4:22 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Patching Base Versions

I had a question about whether a feature is supported and haven't seen any
WiX documentation that really answers my question.  Basically I was curious
as to how patches could be installed and supersede each other based on the
base used to create the patch.

For example if I have Product v1.0.3 directly.
I can create a patch for Product v1.0.3 using it as a base and patching to
Product v1.0.4.

My question is, would I be able to install a patch created using the base
Product v1.0.1 which patches to Product v1.0.4, and successfully install it
on Product v1.0.3.  Currently this is effort is failing with a message
saying the program to be upgraded may be missing or the upgrade patch may
update a different version of the program.  

I'm not sure if this is because I have a problem with the patch or if this
just isn't supported by WiX.  If this is supported by WiX, what would be the
best way to go about doing it?

Thanks in advance,

Big Jim.
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