If you just want a simple message to be displayed, consider using the 
table ( ProgressText element )   You shouldn't need a CA to do that.


Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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attention? E-Mail Me

----- Original Message ----
From: Gary Gocek <g...@gocek.org>
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Fri, August 6, 2010 8:02:15 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Updating msiexec status window from custom action

Hi all, I work on a wix-based, C# .NET installer, currently targeting
Windows Server 2008 installs with msiexec v4 or greater. The installer
invokes a deferred custom action. This works as expected. Files are
deployed, custom action tasks are performed, errors result in a clean
rollback, etc.

While the installer is running, msiexec pops up a rectangular status window
with a title (the application name), a message in the body of the window
("please wait while Windows configures <application>"), another message
("time remaining: 7 seconds"), and a status bar showing the percentage
completed. By default, the time remaining and status bar only consider the
file deployment, prior to the deferred CA, so the time remaining gets stuck
while the CA runs.

I want to insert a message into the body of that msiexec status window that
says, "be patient, creating databases" or whatever. I don't care what the
time remaining says or where the status bar is.

I have found several related forum posts, some complicated and some simple,
but nothing has worked for me. For example, this has no visible effect and
throws no exceptions:
    var record = new Record(3);
    record[1] = "caller id" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(); // ensures
every ActionStart is different
    record[2] = "custom message";
    record[3] = "";
    MessageResult mr = session.Message(InstallMessage.ActionStart, record);

This is logged in the msiexec log, but how do I hack the msiexec status
window to show my own messages? Ultimately, this should be localizable, but
just get me through the first step of displaying any message at all.


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