Our illustrious/humble benefactor Rob M. wrote a blog entry on this very
topic a few months ago ->

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-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Lemsky [mailto:igor.lem...@gmail.com] 
Sent: 16 August 2010 04:17
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Storing checkbox status in registry

I have one checkbox in my installer. for example <Control
Id="checkBox13541" Type="CheckBox" Height="18" Width="345" X="15"
Y="140" Text="Windows Firewall must be configured"
Property="NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL" CheckBoxValue="1" /> If it checked, I
make some configuration actions during install.
Some users doesn't use firewall, so they uncheck this checkbox. During
upgrade, reinstall or so on actions they want to store unchecked status
of this checkbox.
So I made two things:

Store it in one component: <RegistryValue Id="registr5464234"
Key="Software\Signatec\Installation" Name="NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL"
Type="string" Value="[NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL]" />

And load value in AppSearch action:
    <Property Id="NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL" Secure="yes" Value="1">
      <RegistrySearch Id="NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL_RS" Type="raw"
Key="Software\Signatec\Installation" Name="NEED_CONFIGURE_FIREWALL" />

Problem: if checkbox is unchecked, installer store empty string in
During next installer start it doesn't see empty string in registry and
use default value "1". So unchecked status doesn't load. Checkbox is
checked during GUI of installer.
Of course I can set default value to empty string, but I need checked
status to be default.
What can I do?
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