Hey all,
  I've got a MSI that installs a virtual directory using the iis:WebVirtualDir 
element to an existing web site. Install works great. However, if someone 
manually deletes the web site, the MSI won't uninstall because it can't find 
stuff. The errors from the log are below:

ConfigureIIsExec:  A matching web object in memory was found, but the web 
object in memory has no associated base
ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070002: Failed to find Web base
ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070002: Failed to get base of web for WebDir
ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070002: failed while processing WebDirs
MSI (s) (B0!84) [17:42:28:079]: Product: HelloWorld -- Error 26003. Failed 
while processing WebDirs.  (-2147024894         )
Error 26003. Failed while processing WebDirs.  (-2147024894         )

Is there a way to tell the iis:Web* elements to just ignore the error(s) since 
the metabase entries are already gone?

----- Ed
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