What are the implications of two files having the same component GUID 
but different key paths in different installers?

Some background:
  * Release N-1 has a COM component with component guid G and the key 
path COMDll${N-1}.dll with related registry keys as part of the component
  * Release N has a COM component with the same COM interface guid along 
with the same component guid G but the key path is instead COMDll${N}.dll

Release N is written with WiX and N-1 uses InstallShield.

The reason the installer was done this way was because we found when 
uninstalling the trial of Release N, the registration would be removed 
for the new component and Release N-1 would no longer work. Bad! I 
realize this is a physical application design problem (the COM 
components are poorly versioned.)

The problem I have in the above situation is when I uninstall Release 
N-1 with Release N also installed, it uninstalls the component with guid 
G. When this happens, Release N no longer works as the relevant registry 
keys are deleted. This happens even though the reference count appears 
to be 2. I say appears to be because I see the following in the log file:


I'm presuming that the [~]2 means that there are two references to the 
GUID but I'm not sure. I can't really find any information on this log 

So my question is: is there a way to have the uninstall of Release N-1 
leave a component with a specific GUID "installed twice" in place even 
though the key paths are different? Is the key path causing a problem?

I also realize this is a MSI question more than a WiX question but I 
have found this user group to be very knowledgeable so I hope that this 
slightly tangential topic will be of interest to someone!

Thanks for your time :)

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