So, the answer is good luck using harvesting tools as they may not
always work.  Not really a confidence booster, but they seem to work
for the most part.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Blair <> wrote:
> The aggregate quality of the practitioners of our craft does seem to be
> sliding downhill, doesn't it? I've even read that they have even been
> dumbing down the educational achievement necessary to get a CompSci degree
> this past decade. People in general seem to just want to get their "work
> done" and don't want to be bothered with actually learning about how what
> they work on actually works (what I call "programming the black box").
> I've never been a black-box kind-of guy. I have a huge need to know what I'm
> doing whenever I embark on a project. While I obviously can't "know-it-all",
> I do dive deep (as much as possible) into what I do work with on any kind of
> ongoing basis so that I can understand both the limitations and the
> possibilities of what can be done. I guess I'm a rare breed these days,
> though.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Painter []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 12:14 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] heat.exe registry harvesting: ProxyStubClassId
> I know you prefaced your opion with "ideal"  but I'll just say where I work
> finding a developer who will admit knowing anything about COM is getting
> really
> difficult.  So what I do is approximate the COM as good as I can and go
> deploy
> the package.  If anyone reports a problem I grab a program call InstallWatch
> and
> snapshot/diff the registry after manually invoking RegSvr32 / Regasm and
> then massage that back into my WXS source.   I probably have to do that
> about
> 3-6 times per year and it usually ends up working in the end.  The most
> common
> problem I encounter missing Implemented Catagories from .NET ComVisible
> classes.
> Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
> Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves
> attention? E-Mail Me
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Blair <>
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> <>
> Sent: Wed, October 6, 2010 1:53:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] heat.exe registry harvesting: ProxyStubClassId
> It is recommended that COM dlls be harvested on a machine that approximates
> the target machine as close as possible. Realize that due to the nature of
> harvesting that there could always be discrepancies and that the only way to
> "know" you have it right is to have the developer who makes the object write
> the authoring for it explicitly (write the WiX registration code
> themselves), since they are the one who (in an ideal world) best knows the
> registration required for the object to operate. When running arbitrary code
> (which is what heat does) that code could be reacting to just about anything
> in determining what it must (or conversely does not need to) write to the
> registry (or anywhere else, for that matter), which is one part of what
> makes self registration non-repeatable and unstable. By using heat to
> harvest registry data, you simply move the self-registration step up from
> the actual installation to the build[/prep] stage. You don't eliminate the
> risks caused by it, but you do control for them better (by isolating the
> most frequent failures related to self-registration).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon W []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 6:08 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] heat.exe registry harvesting: ProxyStubClassId
> Yes, heat and tallow ran on win7 x64.
> Are there any written rules one must follow when trying to gather
> registry information?  Must the machine be 32-bit, etc...?  These are
> 32-bit c++ dlls.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Blair <> wrote:
>> You don't say if the XP is 32 or 64 bit. You also didn't mention trying it
>> on 32-bit Win7.
>> I think it is a bitness issue, and the binary you are harvesting may be
>> written to accommodate it. According to this page
>> [] what the
>> ProxyStubClassId attribute maps into:
>>      ProxyStubClsid
>> is used for 16-bit code, and there is no 16-bit code on 64-bit systems.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> When I use heat.exe v3, or tallow.exe to gather registry information
>> on XP, I get the following data:
>>  <Interface Id="{Y2D0778B-AC99-4C58-A5C8-E7724E5316B5}" Name="Hello"
>> ProxyStubClassId="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
>> ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
>> When I use heat.exe v3, or tallow.exe to gather registry information
>> on Win7 x64, I get the following data:
>>   <Interface Id="{Y2D0778B-AC99-4C58-A5C8-E7724E5316B5}" Name="Hello"
>> ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
>> Is there a reason for the missing ProxyStubClassId entry on Win7 x64?
>> Thank you,
>> Jon
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