Thanks I've resolved the issue

On 4/11/2010 1:32 p.m., Blair wrote:
> seems quite old. Do you mean 3.5.2229.0?
> Every bit of the log you provided was "success" (Return value 1.). Then the
> next part of the log is incomplete, but does not appear to include any
> errors.
> Could you please supply more of the log starting with the
> WriteIIS7ConfigChanges action? Or better yet, open a bug and attach the
> entire log?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Osman []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:57 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: [WiX-users] Wix 3 to Wix 3.5 : Now the website is not created
> (IIS7)
> I've used WIX 3 with VS 2008 to create a website on IIS 7 - that worked
> fine. I've upgraded to the latest build of Wix with VS 2010
> and now the website is not created.
> Here is the code for creating the website:
> <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
> <Component Id="CreateTaitWebSite"
> Guid="CBAF81F1-E6D2-430e-A5FC-08DCCC4FC8D7">
> <CreateFolder />
> <iis:WebSite  Id='TaitKeyManagement' AutoStart='yes'
> Directory='dir_KeyManagementFacility_Web_UI_6'
>                                     Description='KMF Website'>
> <iis:WebAddress Id='AllUnasigned'  Port='80' />
> <iis:WebApplication Id='WMISystemMonitorWebservices'
> Name='KMfWebAPPName'         WebAppPool='ClientApplicationPool' />
> </iis:WebSite>
> </Component>
> <Component Id='ClientApplicationPoolComponent'
>                           Guid='012C66B6-B308-4883-BE18-C99E0E90B476'
> KeyPath='yes' UninstallWhenSuperseded='yes'>
> <iis:WebAppPool Id='ClientApplicationPool'
>                           Name='KMF AppPool' Identity='other'
> User='KmfWebUI' />
> </Component>
> </DirectoryRef>
> Here is the MSI debug log:
> MSI (s) (58:E4) [18:24:30:503]: Doing action: ConfigureIIs
> Action 18:24:30: ConfigureIIs. Configuring IIS
> Action start 18:24:30: ConfigureIIs.
> MSI (s) (58:34) [18:24:30:508]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
> C:\Windows\Installer\MSI341C.tmp, Entrypoint: ConfigureIIs
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:514]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> StartIIS7ConfigTransaction property. Its value is
> '{8D454F4B-2A56-4211-8E6A-3B653FFCA752}ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:514]: Doing action: StartIIS7ConfigTransaction
> Action 18:24:30: StartIIS7ConfigTransaction. Starting IIS Config Transaction
> Action start 18:24:30: StartIIS7ConfigTransaction.
> 1: Starting IIS Config Transaction
> Action ended 18:24:30: StartIIS7ConfigTransaction. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:518]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction property. Its value is
> '{8D454F4B-2A56-4211-8E6A-3B653FFCA752}ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:518]: Doing action: RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction
> Action 18:24:30: RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction. Rolling back IIS Config
> Transaction
> Action start 18:24:30: RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction.
> 1: Rolling back IIS Config Transaction
> Action ended 18:24:30: RollbackIIS7ConfigTransaction. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:522]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction property. Its value is
> '{8D454F4B-2A56-4211-8E6A-3B653FFCA752}ScaConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:522]: Doing action: CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction
> Action 18:24:30: CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction. Committing IIS Config
> Transaction
> Action start 18:24:30: CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction.
> 1: Committing IIS Config Transaction
> Action ended 18:24:30: CommitIIS7ConfigTransaction. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:822]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> ConfigureIIs7Exec property. Its value is
> 'ConfigureIIs?1?5?2?User?1?Component_?1?Name?1?Domain?1?Password?1?3?KmfWebU
> I?CreateKMFWebUIUser?KMFWebUI??S2sn%a?4?3?OtarServer?CreateOtarServerUser?Ot
> arServer??S2sn%a?4?2?1?0?0?2?1?17?1?AppPool?1?Name?1?Component_?1?Attributes
> ?2?User_?1?RecycleMinutes?2?RecycleRequests?2?RecycleTimes?1?VirtualMemory?2
> ?PrivateMemory?2?IdleTimeout?2?QueueLimit?2?CPUMon?1?MaxProc?2?ManagedRuntim
> eVersion?1?ISInstalled?2?ISAction?2?3?ClientApplicationPool?KMF
> AppPool?ClientApplicationPoolComponent?8?KmfWebUI?-2147483648?-2147483648??-
> 2147483648?-2147483648?-2147483648?-2147483648?0?-2147483648??2?3?4?2?1?2?97
> 0?Component?1?Attributes?2?3?CreateNewFolder?0?4?3?CreateDowngradeScriptsFol
> der?16?4?3?CreateUILogFolder?0?4?3?CreateOtarServerUser?0?4?3?CreateKMFWebUI
> User?0?4?3?OtarServerEventSource?0?4?3?KMFWebUIEventSource?0?4?3?KmfDatabase
> ?0?4?3?comp_KMF_0?0?4?3?comp_KMF_1?0?4?3?comp_KMF_3?0?4?3?comp_KMF_4?0?4?3?c
> omp_KMF_797?0?4?3?comp_KMF_2079?16?4?3?comp_KMF_2080?16?4?3?comp_KMF_2088?16
> ?4?3?comp_KMF_2866?16?4?3?
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:851]: Doing action: ConfigureIIs7Exec
> Action 18:24:30: ConfigureIIs7Exec.
> Action start 18:24:30: ConfigureIIs7Exec.
> ConfigureIIs7Exec:
> Action ended 18:24:30: ConfigureIIs7Exec. Return value 1.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:856]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
> WriteIIS7ConfigChanges property. Its value is 'ConfigureIIs'.
> MSI (s) (58!84) [18:24:30:857]: Doing action: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges
> Action 18:24:30: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges. Installing Config Keys and Values
> Action start 18:24:30: WriteIIS7ConfigChanges.
> 1: Installing Config Keys and Values

Joe Osman
Design Engineer
Tait Radio Communications
175 Roydvale Avenue Christchurch
New Zealand
DDI: 64 3 3571584

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