
RegistrySearch for REG_DWORD handling using WiX Installer.  

After the RegistrySearch it returns REG_SZ with "#1". 
How do you resolve this issue so it will set the return type to an REG_DWORD 
value of 1?

Thanks in advance!
    <Property Id="PORT" Value="12345">         <RegistrySearch Id="idPORT" 
Key="SOFTWARE\Company\Product"                  Name="Port" Root="HKLM" 
Type="raw" />     
</Property>     <File ..........>         <RegistryKey Root="HKLM" 
Key="SOFTWARE\Company\Product"                  Action="create">             
Name="Port" Value="#[PORT]" Type="integer" />         </RegistryKey>     </File>

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