Broken Link.  The correct one is

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 9:10 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] [BUG/limitation in WIX/MSI]No way to distinguish 
between an uninstall and an update when <RemoveExistingProducts 

Getting the RemoveFile table entry right is *a lot* easier than getting 
rollback correct in all the cases it is required. The RemoveFoldersEx custom 
action does the same sort of work in the http://wix-contrib.codeplex.comproject.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:02 AM, Michael Urman <> wrote:

> The trick here is that in the working case, the component is never 
> uninstalled. With REP after InstallFinalize, the new install 
> increments the component's reference count, possibly installing 
> updated contents. Then REP uninstalls the earlier version, which 
> merely decrements this component's reference count. You can verify 
> this by examining the differences in the verbose logs for each 
> scenario.
> If you want to find an "approved" way to handle this, perhaps you 
> should consider the approach in Bob's Semi-custom actions article
> ( by 
> conditionally writing to the remove file table. I'm personally torn as 
> to how great an idea it is, because the difficulty of getting the 
> RemoveFile table entry correct is nearly as difficult as getting a 
> file removal correct.
> However one last comment: this whole approach has problems. If you 
> ever use an Upgrade table entry to remove this product from from a new 
> unrelated product, it will then likely leave this file behind when it 
> should not. A pity there's no great way to handle such scenarios.
> On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 08:36, MeCoco <> wrote:
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > Thanks for your answer.
> >
> >  > Because of this, the premise that a component condition can 
> > prevent the RemoveFile table entry from executing during uninstall 
> > is flawed,
> >
> > I wouldn't have expected that, because of:
> >
> > 1) The code works as expected when I have REP after installFinalize, 
> > meaning the file is deleted only when uninstall, not also update. 
> > Why is then the code working as I was expecting when REP is after 
> > InstallFinalize? In that case the file should have also been removed 
> > as part of the component-uninstall right?
> >
> > 2) I was sure, one can accomplish my requirement (delete a file 
> > created by my application only when uninstall, not updates and REP 
> > is after
> > InstallInitialize) with component conditions.
> >
> > If I can't accomplish that with component conditions, I have to use 
> > some CustomActions like a batch file or so, which is never 
> > recommended because they can't be rolled-back.
> > I kept reading all around on the forum stuff like:
> > "But as Brian pointed out before, you should not use batch files. If 
> > you're writing registry values or copying files, use native 
> > authoring which is transacted. Batch files are not transactional in 
> > nature. You'd need a separate batch file scheduled before your 
> > deferred CA executed as a rollback CA. But what about when your 
> > product is repaired or patched?
> > What then? Conditions become difficult. Keeping standard or even 
> > custom data dependent on component install and action states helps 
> > avoid most of these issues.
> "
> > this is why I tried doing this with component conditions.
> >
> > That means there is no "approved" way of accomplishing this??? I 
> > wouldn't consider this being a so weird task: just deleting, when 
> > uninstalling, some files your app created and needs. I would have 
> > expected a standard way of doing this, and not through batch or 
> > other external custom actions as they can't be controlled during rollbacks.
> >
> > And still, why does this work when REP is after InstallFinalize?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > MeCoco
> >
> >
> > On 11/26/2010 1:57 PM, Michael Urman wrote:
> >> Good job isolating it, but it's a problem understanding how 
> >> component conditions work. They only serve to gate when a component 
> >> is installed. With the transitive bit set, their going false can 
> >> also cause them to be uninstalled in a minor upgrade or other 
> >> maintenance scenario. However their being false will never prevent 
> >> their uninstallation.
> >>
> >> Because of this, the premise that a component condition can prevent 
> >> the RemoveFile table entry from executing during uninstall is 
> >> flawed, and you will need to find an alternate approach. Either it 
> >> needs to be tied to a component that is not removed, or possibly 
> >> you will need to use a custom action whose execution you can correctly 
> >> condition (e.g.
> >> something referring to the combination of component install and 
> >> action states as well as the presence of UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE).
> >>
> >> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 04:48, MeCoco<>  wrote:
> >>> OK, this seems to be a MSI bug, because after investigating I 
> >>> noticed
> that:
> >>>
> >>> 1) by opening the created MSI with Orca I can see in the Component
> table:
> >>> removeFile    {F82061CB-27F9-41F5-B5FE-2EDCA1F1A8F9}
> >>>
> >>> 2) The, after an update, in the log file I can see:
> >>>
> >>> Ln 448
> >>> MSI (s) (44:40) [11:03:35:733]: Command Line:
> >>>
> >>> Ln 717
> >>> MSI (s) (44:40) [11:03:36:184]: Executing op:
> >>> FileRemove(,FileName=momo.txt,,)
> >>>
> >>> So, even thoug in the MSI the component is correctly written with 
> >>> it's condition and even though one can see in the log that 
> >>> UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE is set, still later in the log one can see 
> >>> that the component is executed, so I would say this is a MSI problem.
> >>>
> >>> MeCoco
> >>>
> >>> On 11/26/2010 10:00 AM, MeCoco wrote:
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> After searching any possible explanation on the internet, and 
> >>>> after trying any possible combination of conditions, I got to the 
> >>>> conclusion that this is either a bug or a limitation of Wix/MSI, 
> >>>> because there is no condition that could distinguish between an 
> >>>> uninstall (from add/remove programs) and an update, when REP is 
> >>>> after
> InstallInitialize,
> >>>> eg<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize"/>.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm not sure if I should report this somewhere or not, but I will 
> >>>> post again my sample here, as this sample proves this bug/limitation.
> >>>> In order to distinguish between an uninstall (from control panel) 
> >>>> and
> an
> >>>> update, I used any possible combination of:
> >>>> without success.
> >>>>
> >>>> I created a small sample file that shows exactly this problem, 
> >>>> pls see below. The problem can be easily duplicated by doing:
> >>>> 1) build the below sample into a project with version 1.0.0
> >>>> 2) build the same sample but with another version 1.0.1 (change 
> >>>> the version in CurrentVersion)
> >>>> 3) run version 1.0.0 =>    the product will be installed
> >>>> 4) In C:\Program Files\MySmallProject add a dummy file: momo.txt
> (think
> >>>> of it as a log file generated by running the application)
> >>>> 5) run the second version 101, which _updates_ the product
> >>>>
> >>>> =>    after the update the momo.txt is !!gone!! even though the
> component
> >>>> which removes the file is having the condition:
> >>>> (REMOVE=ALL) AND (NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) which means that the 
> >>>> file shouldn't have been removed during an update only during an 
> >>>> uninstall.
> >>>>
> >>>> But if in the code instead of:
> >>>> <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize"/>
> >>>>
> >>>> you have:
> >>>> <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize"/>
> >>>>
> >>>> by doing all the above steps the momo.txt is _not_ deleted during 
> >>>> an update, only during a real uninstall (from add/remove 
> >>>> programs), which is the _desired_ behavior.
> >>>>
> >>>> So, it seems that when having<RemoveExistingProducts
> >>>> After="InstallInitialize"/>    there is no way to distinguish between
> an
> >>>> uninstall and an update.
> >>>>
> >>>> The code that proves the above described behaviour:
> >>>>
> >>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> >>>>
> >>>> <?define UpgradeCode = "61608F07-C47C-459F-97DD-CD02D104294C"?>
> >>>> <?define CurrentVersion = "1.0.0"?>
> >>>>
> >>>> <Wix xmlns="";>
> >>>> <Product Id="*" Name="SmallProject" Language="1033"
> >>>> Version="$(var.CurrentVersion)" Manufacturer="SmallProject"
> >>>> UpgradeCode="$(var.UpgradeCode)"> <Package Id="*" 
> >>>> InstallerVersion="200" Compressed="yes" />
> >>>>
> >>>> <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />
> >>>>
> >>>> <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir"> <Directory 
> >>>> Id="ProgramFilesFolder"> <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" 
> >>>> Name="MySmallProject">
> >>>>
> >>>> <Component Id="mytest.txt"
> Guid="7CED77A9-597B-456A-BEF7-44C094800A06">
> >>>> <File Id="mytest.txt" Source="mytest.txt" KeyPath="yes" /> 
> >>>> </Component>
> >>>>
> >>>> <Component Id="removeFile"
> Guid="F82061CB-27F9-41F5-B5FE-2EDCA1F1A8F9">
> >>>> <RemoveFile Id="remove" Name="momo.txt" On="uninstall"/>
> >>>> <Condition>(REMOVE=ALL) AND (NOT 
> >>>> UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE)</Condition> </Component>
> >>>>
> >>>> </Directory>
> >>>> </Directory>
> >>>> </Directory>
> >>>>
> >>>> <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="SmallProject" Level="1"> 
> >>>> <ComponentRef Id="mytest.txt"/> <ComponentRef Id="removeFile"/> 
> >>>> </Feature>
> >>>>
> >>>> <Upgrade Id="$(var.UpgradeCode)"> <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="no" 
> >>>> Property="OLDAPPFOUND" Minimum="0.0.1"
> >>>> IncludeMinimum="yes" Maximum="$(var.CurrentVersion)"
> IncludeMaximum="no" />
> >>>> <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Property="NEWAPPFOUND"
> >>>> Minimum="$(var.CurrentVersion)" IncludeMinimum="no" /> 
> >>>> <UpgradeVersion OnlyDetect="yes" Property="SELFFOUND"
> >>>> Minimum="$(var.CurrentVersion)" IncludeMinimum="yes"
> >>>> Maximum="$(var.CurrentVersion)" IncludeMaximum="yes" /> 
> >>>> </Upgrade>
> >>>>
> >>>> <CustomAction Id="NewerVersionDetected" Error="2000"/> 
> >>>> <CustomAction Id="CurrentVersionDetected" Error="2001"/>
> >>>>
> >>>> <UI>    <Error Id="2000">!(loc.Error2000)</Error>    </UI>
> >>>> <UI>    <Error Id="2001">!(loc.Error2001)</Error>    </UI>
> >>>>
> >>>> <InstallExecuteSequence>
> >>>> <FindRelatedProducts Sequence="100" /> <AppSearch 
> >>>> After="FindRelatedProducts"/> <LaunchConditions After="AppSearch" 
> >>>> /> <Custom Action="NewerVersionDetected"
> After="AppSearch">NEWAPPFOUND</Custom>
> >>>> <Custom Action="CurrentVersionDetected"
> After="AppSearch">SELFFOUND</Custom>
> >>>> <RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallInitialize"/> 
> >>>> <!--<RemoveExistingProducts After="InstallFinalize"/>--> 
> >>>> </InstallExecuteSequence>
> >>>>
> >>>> <!-- Find previous installation directory --> <Property 
> >>>> Id="INSTALLDIR"> <RegistrySearch Id="FindInstallLocation" 
> >>>> Root="HKLM"
> >>>>
> Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\[OLDAPPFOUND]"
> >>>> Name="InstallLocation" Type="raw" /> </Property>
> >>>>
> >>>> Value="[INSTALLDIR]" />
> >>>> <InstallExecuteSequence>
> >>>> <Custom Action="SetARPINSTALLLOCATION" 
> >>>> After="InstallValidate">NOT Installed</Custom> 
> >>>> </InstallExecuteSequence>
> >>>>
> >>>> </Product>
> >>>> </Wix>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thank you,
> >>>> MeCoco
> >>>>
> >>>>
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virtually, Rob Mensching - LLC
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