Maybe my memory is off but I think when you get a UAC prompt if you don't click 
yes in 30 seconds-ish it comes back as don't elevate and then your install will 
fail.  My point is if they click yes and start installing .NET and let's say 
that takes 5-10 minutes then it comes back and asks to elevate for the next one 
and no one hits yes in 30 seconds then it could fail.

And yes, it's a ton of prereqs but all of the customers in my industry believe 
in reusing off the shelf components regardless of what that means for the 
deployment story.
Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves 
attention? E-Mail Me

----- Original Message ----
From: James Johnston <>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 2:19:36 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

Eeesh, that's a ton of prereqs!  Indeed, in your case 20 UAC prompts would
be unacceptable.  I do wonder how you wound up with a 30 second timeout?
(What if installing on a slower computer and the prereq takes more time to

Our product's only chained prereq is .NET Framework 2.0, so we just use the
Visual Studio bootstrapper.  By sticking to only the NETFX 2.0 features it
allows us to jump straight into the MSI on Windows Vista/7.  Windows XP
users have only the 20-something megabyte download to contend with.  All the
other dependencies are handled via merge module (VC++2003/2005/2008, and
some 3rd-party libs as well).

I'd imagine introducing things like SQL Server Express, etc. complicates
things a good bit more.  You're right that the chaining situation is messy.
Just look at Add/Remove Programs these days if anyone says otherwise.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 20:09
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

My typical bootstrapper installs between 10 and 20 prereqs.  I can't imagine
each of those packages prompting for elevation.  If you don't answer in 30
seconds or so it'll fail and the whole chain is broken.  I don't see how I
can't elevate up front.      I also do matching LaunchConditions in my MSI
to make sure the bootstrapper did it's thing. 

You are right about the caching only I'll take it one step farther.  The
multiple package per transaction story doesn't fit industry needs.  It
assumes that all of your packages are MSI and that's simply not the case for
me.  Heck, many/most things I download from MSFT (  .NET, C++, SQL so on )
are EXE's not MSI's.

So sure, I'd love to just click on an MSI, do my feature selection then
elevate and chain all my MSI's together but it's just not an option for me.

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog Have a hot tip,
know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves attention? E-Mail

----- Original Message ----
From: James Johnston <>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 1:36:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

I thought about this but decided against it for some of the security reasons
you outline; I did not think it appropriate for the UAC prompt to appear
immediately upon running the bootstrapper.  The UAC prompt really should not
be presented until the user clicks the "Install" button in the UI to
actually start the installation.  This would be after they configured all
the features, etc.  They should not have a UAC prompt when invoking the
boot-strapper.  I know a lot of apps out there don't bother and just require
the boot-strapper to elevate; I suspect a lot of them don't even have
appropriate manifest resources.  It comes across as a little sloppy to me.

Also, you are hosed if someone invokes the MSI directly without using the
bootstrapper.  In my book, the MSI needs to work properly if invoked
directly.  If other prereqs installed by the bootstrapper are needed, then I
check for them via launch conditions to prevent installing if a needed
prereq isn't found.

The real problem is that MSI was designed for installing off of a CD (Office
2000) back when copying resources like this were unthinkable due to limited
hard drive space.  I wish Microsoft would address this shortcoming; you'd
think they could add a pre-defined property or table  (i.e. declarative,
simple, easy-to-understand-and-use method) that controls caching the MSI
file.  Instead everybody does it their own way and now we have this big

The solution I used was to create a component for the MSI like this:

                <Component Id="MYAPPMSI" Guid="<guid>" Location="local">
                    <CopyFile Id="MYAPPMSICopy" Delete="no"
DestinationDirectory="SetupCache" DestinationName="$(var.MSIName)"
SourceName="$(var.MSIName)" SourceProperty="SourceDir" />
                    <File Id="MYAPPMSIKey" KeyPath="yes"
Name="key$(var.MSIName)" Source="SupportFiles\ZeroLength.txt" />
                    <RemoveFile Id="MYAPPMSIRemove" Name="$(var.MSIName)"
On="uninstall" />

Basically, use a zero-length file as the key and use CopyFile/RemoveFile
elements to cache the actual MSI.  SetupCache is a subdirectory underneath
the application.  Make additional similar components for other files needing
to be cached; in my case there were external CAB files to cache as well.
(If your MSI is of significant size then this is best; see

For MSI to actually use this SetupCache directory, add a custom action.  I
used a deferred action placed after PublishProduct.  This action calls
MsiSourceListAddSource to add the setup cache as a source.  Condition for
the action is that "$MYAPPMSI = 3" to avoid running on uninstall.

This has seemed to work reasonably well, although there must be a case
somehow where the MSI files themselves are left behind.  I haven't figured
out why yet, but usually the RemoveFile deletes them as expected.  Hasn't
been high priority to isolate the reason why and fix it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 22:37
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

Well, that could happen no matter where you put it.  InstallShield puts it
in [LocalAppDataFolder]\Downloaded Installations by default but I'm not sure
I agree with that.   They do this ( as I recall ) so that a setup.exe
manifested as Invoker could cache the file for a standard user.  Problem
(IMO) is that if this then elevates and gets installed for all-users it
becomes a managed installation and that user who cached it could then tamper
with the MSI and do a repair to inject untrusted code into the installer. 
Remote, but possible.

The used to cache it in [WindowsFolder]Downloaded Installations but that
required Admin privs.  I think personally I've
used [CommonAppDataFolder]Downloaded Installations before.  When I need a
setup.exe I typically manifest it as requireAdmin so that each of my prereqs
don't require elevation.  I've read that this isn't the best practice but I
really don't like the alternatives.

I've also written some code that's used during major upgrades to delete the
previous versions of the MSI that way they don't pile up into something
huge. I usually just leave the final MSI behind on uninstall as the size is
typically quite small.

I'd look at WiX 3.6 and see what approaches Rob is taking with Burn. 
Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog Have a hot tip,
know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves attention? E-Mail

----- Original Message ----
From: Quinton Tormanen <>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 4:10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

Where do you cache it to? Everywhere else I thought of won't get cleaned up 
and/or might get erased prematurely (e.g. TMP folder).


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Painter [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:03 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

I usually just let my bootstrapper handle the caching for me before invoking

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves 
attention? E-Mail Me

----- Original Message ----
From: Quinton Tormanen <>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Tue, November 30, 2010 3:46:28 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Saving the MSI file

This issue must have discussed dozens of times, but I couldn't find
anything. Quite simply, I want to ensure that our full MSI file is
available for repairs later (there's a issue currently out of our
control that makes this necessary related to the DifxApp toolkit). Our
MSI is only 12MB and the benefit of having it available seems to
outweigh this teensy amount of storage space.

Here is an approach that I was going to look into but, wanted to hear if
I'm all wet before I go too far with it:

1.      Copy the MSI being used for the install from the source given
by the DATABASE public property to a file in my install file. This
assumes I can copy the file while it is open.

2.      Ensure that the DATABASE public property is updated to hold the
location I copied it to, so that it can get put into the ARP for use by
later installs.

3.      Ensure that this MSI copy is deleted on an uninstall.

4.      See if I can include the MSI size in the file size cost

Does this approach seem at all viable? Is there a better way to do it?
What do I need to watch out for? Should I try to get the local copy in
the LocalPackage or InstallSource entries in the ARP?


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