That's Strange,  I received the initial post as if it came from the mailing 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Petersen [] 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 11:01 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long, 72 
characters max)

Did you know that your original post on December 6th didn't make it to the 
mailing list? It's only in the reply to your own e-mail on the 9th that made it 
so others could see your initial inquiry from the 6th. Just thought you might 
find that interesting because you'd mentioned silence on the issue initially, 
but there were no prior posts from you on the 6th that appeared here.

In the initial email from the 6th, which shows in your reply to that, you say 
at the very end.

"It appears that this is the location of the error, it is in a generated file.

            <Component Id="cmp9B84874485F19E281EC2FD5E9346598B"
                <File Id="fil2DDE6B792849542497AC6B90E52F6196"
ication.Native.Client.pdb" />

What generates the file that contains this code? That's not compiler or linker 
code. That's just straight up WiX code as "normally" written by a human. It 
would seem so straight forward to fix as to be trivial, but apparently not.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Bergman []
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 8:49 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long, 72 
characters max)

To me, it looks like it is because the filename is long.


The physical directory is this:

Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client is the project name (and the assembly 
name + XPT).

So you see my dilemma, short of renaming everything I am left with the 
warnings.  To me, since the ID is generated, it seems like a bug...

-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Petersen []
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:11 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long, 72 
characters max)

I think you'd mentioned before that it was during the compile, as opposed to 
the link, which I suspect, too. You can certainly break those down into two 
discreet steps to figure out which one it is. Assuming it is the compile then 
it would be in one of the .wixobj files, since that is what the compiler 
creates. You could do just the compile and then use a utility like FINDSTR to 
search through those .wixobj files and figure out which one it is. Then 
correlate that back to which source file it is. I suspect one of your 
$( entries is being expanded out during the compile 
time to be the entry that is too long.
If that were to hold true then it would be necessary for you to examine those 
var entries to see which one it is and how to shorten it to eliminate the error.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Bergman []
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 7:38 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long, 72 
characters max)

The file must be generated by WiX during build time.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Farrell []
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 7:42 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long, 72 
characters max)

Maybe it's just my lack of understanding, but you don't seem to be giving us 
many clues here. You say the problem Id is in "a generated file" - what file, 
generated by what? 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Bergman []
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 10:58 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long,
> 72 characters max)
> This is the full contents of the WiX file, I don't see how I can 
> shorten it based on what you replied.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix 
> xmlns="";
>       xmlns:iis="";
>       xmlns:util="";>
>   <?include ..\..\common\shared\XPedientInstallerVersionInfo.wxi ?>
>   <Module Id="MM.Platform.ClientPlugins" Language="1033" 
> Version="$(var.MajorVersion).$(var.MinorVersion).$(var.BuildNumber)">
>               <Package Id="xxx"  InstallerVersion="200"
>              Manufacturer="XPT" />
>               <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
>                       <Directory Id="MergeRedirectFolder">
>         <Component Id='' Guid='xxx'>
>           <File Id='' 
> Name='$(var.Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client.TargetFile
> Name)' 
> Source='$(var.Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client.TargetPath)' />
>           <File Id='' 
> Name='XPedient.Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client.pdb' 
> Source='$(var.Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client.TargetDi
> r)XPedient.Core.Data.DataManagement.Plugins.Client.pdb' />
>         </Component>
>         <Component Id='' Guid='xxx'>
>           <File Id='' 
> Name='$(var.Core.MetaData.Plugins.Model.Client.TargetFileName)
> ' Source='$(var.Core.MetaData.Plugins.Model.Client.TargetPath)' />
>           <File Id='' 
> Name='XPedient.Core.MetaData.Plugins.Model.Client.pdb' 
> Source='$(var.Core.MetaData.Plugins.Model.Client.TargetDir)XPe
dient.Core.MetaData.Plugins.Model.Client.pdb' />
>         </Component>
>         <Component Id='c_c.rep.Plugins.Client' Guid='xxx'>
>           <File Id='f.c.rep.Plugins.Client' 
> Name='$(var.Core.Repository.Plugins.Client.TargetFileName)' 
> Source='$(var.Core.Repository.Plugins.Client.TargetPath)' />
>           <File Id='f.c.rep.Plugins.Client.pdb' 
> Name='XPedient.Core.Repository.Plugins.Client.pdb' 
> Source='$(var.Core.Repository.Plugins.Client.TargetDir)XPedien
t.Core.Repository.Plugins.Client.pdb' />
>         </Component>
>         <Component Id='c_c.System.Plugins.Client' Guid='xxx'>
>           <File Id='f.c.System.Plugins.Client' 
> Name='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Client.TargetFileName)' 
> Source='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Client.TargetPath)' />
>           <File Id='f.c.System.Plugins.Client.pdb' 
> Name='XPedient.Core.System.Plugins.Client.pdb' 
> Source='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Client.TargetDir)XPedient.Co
> re.System.Plugins.Client.pdb' />
>         </Component>
>         <Component Id='c_c.System.Plugins.Presenter' Guid='xxx'>
>           <File Id='f.c.System.Plugins.Presenter' 
> Name='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Presenter.TargetFileName)' 
> Source='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Presenter.TargetPath)' />
>           <File Id='f.c.System.Plugins.Presenter.pdb' 
> Name='XPedient.Core.System.Plugins.Presenter.pdb' 
> Source='$(var.Core.System.Plugins.Presenter.TargetDir)XPedient
.Core.System.Plugins.Presenter.pdb' />
>         </Component>
>       </Directory>
>               </Directory>
>       </Module>
> </Wix>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paden, Patrick []
> Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 9:57 AM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do you fix this error? (id is too long,
> 72 characters max)
> -=-=-=-
> <snip>
> error:
> The DirectoryRef/@Id of attributes value, 
> '
> ient.symbo
> ls' is too long for an identifier, standard identifiers are
> 72 characters or less.
> <snip>
> <DirectoryRef
> Id="Application.ManagementServer.Plugins.Authentication.Native
> .Client.Sy
> mbols">
> <snip>
> -=-=-=-
> The <DirectoryRef> in the above text-cut is 73 characters long, this 
> is what needs to be changed down to 72 characters or less.
> Your <Directory> elsewhere in the code most likely needs to be changed

> too.
> Hope this helps,
> Patrick Paden
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