Thanks a lot! Works perfectly.

Just as a sidenote: In addition to "WixToolPath", "WixTargetsPath", and 
"WixTasksPath", I also had to add a property "WixExtDir" which points to the 
location of the WiX extensions like "WixNetFxExtension.dll", 
"WixUIExtension.dll" and so on... This might be related to the fact that I am 
not defining the properties within the wixproj file, but as a property from the 
command line: "MSBuild.exe ... /property:WixToolPath=${wix.dir}\"

For others having a similar question, this is my MSBuild call in NAnt to build 
my installer without having to install WiX on the machine:

<exec program="${msbuild.path}">
        <arg value='"${deployment.installer.project.file.path}"'/>
        <arg value="/property:Configuration=${build.config}"/>
        <arg value="/target:Build"/>
        <arg value="/verbosity:normal"/>
        <arg value="/nologo"/>
        <arg value="/fileLogger"/>
        <arg value="/fileloggerparameters:LogFile=MSBuildInstallerLog.txt"/>
        <!-- The following lines had to be added: -->
        <arg value='/property:WixToolPath=${wix.dir}\'/>
        <arg value='/property:WixExtDir=${wix.dir}'/>
        <arg value='/property:WixTargetsPath=${wix.targets.path}'/>
        <arg value='/property:WixTasksPath=${wix.tasks.path}'/>

Where ${wix.dir}, ${wix.targets.path}, and ${wix.tasks.path} are properties 
containing the paths to the respective files/folders as described in the link 
provided by Yan.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yan Sklyarenko [] 
Sent: Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011 09:23
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Using WiX without installing it (just copy)

This should help you:

<>-- Yan

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 9:48 AM, Bosch, Andreas

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to use WiX (with MSBuild) without running the WiX 
> installer, but by just copying the binaries to some location. Is this 
> possible?
> Background: We are using a NAnt script to build our projects, 
> including the installers. The idea is that we could just checkout the 
> source code from the repository on any computer (with MSBuild) and 
> immediately run a build without having to install anything before. 
> Therefore, we have added all required tools (e.g. NAnt, NUnit...) to 
> the repository and use those binaries in the build script.
> We would like to do the same with WiX. However, we are not using the 
> WiX binaries (candle, light...) directly, but we are using MSBuild 
> using the *.wixproj files. Certainly, MSBuild somehow needs to know 
> the tools required to build a *.wixproj file. But if I just get the 
> WiX binaries from the repository, how can I tell MSBuild to use these 
> binaries? Is it possible? Or do I need to copy the files to some special 
> location on the client?
> Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
> Andreas
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