Hello, WiX Community

I've been playing around with WiX for about a year now and took over my 
company's installations (WiX-based) a few months ago. I'm really enjoying it.

I'm looking for some advice on the pros/cons of various ways of writing Custom 
Actions. I understand that an issue with the Custom Action can prevent your 
installer from working at all. And obviously if a piece of functionality 
already exists in WiX then one should not re-write it in a custom action.

I'm mainly a C# dev and doing some rudimentary VC++.

I found it very easy to do Custom Actions in VBScript but Rob Mensching posted 
an article (http://wix.sourceforge.net/manual-wix2/robmen_20040520.htm) that 
outlines why VBScript "sucks" for custom actions. Lack of debugging and 
conflict with Virus Scanners seem to be the biggies. I'm assuming these reasons 
still apply and VBScript (or Jscript) should be counted out.

Most of the Custom Action examples I've found have been C# (my preferred 
language) and even Nick Ramirez's excellent book on WiX only gives the C# 
examples. However, I came across another Rob Mensching article 
 from 2007 that outlines why Managed Custom Actions wouldn't work. Are these 
issues still a consideration?

Of course, VC++ has very few dependencies and probably has the most 
compatibility. Theoretically, you should be able to static link against the 
VC++ Runtime and have no external dependencies at all. But C++ code is, for me, 
a lot harder to write. The worst is trying to figure out which string is which.

Does anyone have any incites or advice on the pros and cons of each? In 
particular, what are the down-sides of writing custom actions in Managed code 

- Shaun

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