It turns out I need to execute another view (an update view) once I've found 
the record I'm interested in. Here is the code in all its glory for those who 
are curious. Note: This is written as a PowerShell script.

# $packages is a collection of strings representing the path to the MSI 
packages to update
# $actionPattern is a wildcard pattern for matching the actions I'm interested 
in updating

$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$dtfAssembly = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 
Add-Type -Path $dtfAssembly

foreach ($filePath in $packages) {
    $databaseInfo = @{
        TypeName = 'Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.Database'
        ArgumentList = @( $filePath, 
[Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller.DatabaseOpenMode]::Direct )
    $database = New-Object @databaseInfo
    try {
        $searchQuery = 
        $searchView = $database.OpenView($searchQuery)
        try {
            for ( $record = $searchView.Fetch() ; $record -ne $null ; $record = 
$searchView.Fetch() ) {
                try {
                    $action = $record.GetString('Action')
                    if ($action -like $actionPattern) {
                        $updateQuery = "UPDATE InstallExecuteSequence SET 
Condition = 'FALSE' WHERE Action = '${action}'"
                        $updateView = $database.OpenView($updateQuery)
                        try { $updateView.Execute() } finally { if 
($updateView) { $updateView.Close() } }
                } finally { $record.Close() }
        } finally { if ($searchView) { $searchView.Close() } }
    } finally { if ($database) { $database.Close() } }

Edwin G. Castro
Software Developer - Staff
Electronic Banking Services
Office: 503-746-0643
Fax: 503-617-0291
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Castro, Edwin G. (Hillsboro) []
> Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 5:06 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. (wix-
> Subject: [WiX-users] Update InstallExecuteSequence Condition
> Programmatically using DTF
> I’d like to write a program using DTF to open up a MSI package and
> programmatically update some Conditions in the InstallExecuteSequence
> table. This program be used to update MSI packages before installation.
> Here’s some pseudo code for what I have so far:
> using (database = new Database(filePath, DatabaseOpenMode.Transact)) {
>     query = database.Tables["InstallExecuteSequence"].SqlSelectString
>     using (view = database.OpenView(query))
>     {
>         while (record = view.Fetch())
>         {
>             try
>             {
>                 action = record.GetString("Action")
>                 if (action is the action I want)
>                 {
>                     record.SetString("Condition", "new condition")
>                 }
>             }
>             finally
>             {
>                 record.Close()
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     database.Commit()
> }
> I’m trying to implement this as a PowerShell script so my script doesn’t look
> exactly like the pseudo code above.
> Is this going in the correct direction? I have a feeling that this isn’t 
> quite right
> but I don’t know exactly what the missing piece is.
> Edwin G. Castro
> Software Developer - Staff
> Electronic Banking Services
> Fiserv
> Office: 503-746-0643
> Fax: 503-617-0291
> P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
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