I'm building a chained installer (via the EmbeddedChainer element) that
chains a series of signed MSI packages together.  As recommended by the
MSI documentation, I've added the signing certificate to my parent MSI,
like so:

  <DigitalCertificate Id="mycert" SourceFile="$(var.cert)"/>

When I build my WiX package (WiX 3.0) I'm getting a warning for ICE81,
which says this:

"ICE81: MsiDigitalSignature and MsiPatchCertificate tables do not
reference any of the records in the MsiDigitalCertificate table."

However, the documentation for Windows Installer says that ICE81
actually checks all three tables, and that the warning is supposed to be:

"No reference to any of the records in the MsiDigitalCertificate table
could be found in MsiDigitalSignature, MsiPackageCertificate, or
MsiPatchCertificate tables."

Since I am referencing the MsiDigitalCertificate record in
MsiPackageCertificate, I shouldn't be getting this warning.  I'm
assuming that the ICE validation routines run by WiX aren't updated for
Windows Installer 4.5; is there a way to get them updated?


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