Unfortunately, to get the bind.AssemblyXxx values you need to set the
appropriate File/@Assembly attributes. If you don't go to the GAC, then you
need to set the File/@AssemblyFile and File/@AssemblyApplication to point to
the same file. Its weird WindowsSxS behavior that we probably should have
abstracted better in the WiX toolset.

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Paul Reynolds <
preyno...@planetsoftware.com.au> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm struggling to get bind.AssemblyVersion working with my WIX 3.5
> installer for an ASP .NET 4 Web Application.
> The documentation states I should be able to specify:
> !(bind.assemblyVersion.MyAssembly)
> Based on:
> bind.assemblyVersion.FileID
> So given my actual main web assembly is found via harvesting, I have a
> reference to that auto generated file:
> <Feature Id="ProductFeature" Title="!(loc.ProductName)" Level="1">
>      <ComponentGroupRef Id="Web_Project" />
> </Feature>
> And the main assembly is auto generated in the file as:
> <Component Id="cmpBEA8DF8E156DCDEBF5278BDCC71EA8F7" Guid="*">
> <File Id="fil88A9B3B3ED18FA19B2DB1CBD3E259181" KeyPath="yes"
> Source="SourceDir\bin\Web.dll" />
> </Component>
> So, even though it seems rather gross (and changeable given the
> auto-generated nature?!), I've tried:
> Version="!(bind.AssemblyVersion.fil88A9B3B3ED18FA19B2DB1CBD3E259181)"
> Which comes back with:
> Unresolved bind-time variable
> !(bind.AssemblyVersion.fil88A9B3B3ED18FA19B2DB1CBD3E259181)
> Also tried other variations:
> Version="!(bind.AssemblyVersion.$(var.Web.TargetFileName))" (Same Error)
> And:
> Version="!(bind.AssemblyVersion.$(var.Web.TargetDir)$(var.Web.TargetFileName))"
> Which gives 2 errors:
> The Product/@Version attribute was not found; it is required.
> The Product/@Version attribute's value,
> '!(bind.AssemblyVersion.D:\DevProjects\Web\bin\Web.dll)', is not a valid
> version.  Legal version values should look like 'x.x.x.x' where x is an
> integer from 0 to 65534.
> Any tips on resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
> Regards
> Paul.
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