On a 32-bit version of windows, your key would look like:
I don't tend to use SilentUninstallString in these situations as this stil 
shows user interface--at least the cancel button if I remember correctly and it 
may even give the user the option to uninstall! I'd rather use 
"QuietUninstallString" as this shows nothing.
To get these two custom actions to work you need to search the registry based 
on a condition--I'd use VERSIONNT64/VERSIONNT.
Then have two custom actions in your InstallExecute sequence, one that executes 
if your running 32-bit windows and the other if your running 64-bit.
Looking at the old code I ran the uninstall just before InstallFiles.

If you need any further help let me know but hopefully this should be enough to 
get you going!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jammer [mailto:jam...@jammer.biz] 
Sent: 10 March 2011 20:43
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Uninstall Previous Inno Setup Installed App

Hi All,

I've just rewritten my installer using WiX 3.5.  However, before I 
distribute the new MSI I'm dotting all the i and crossing the t's this 
time!  The problem is that I need to make sure the previous .exe setup 
is removed before installing the new msi version.

So, i've been looking at various ways to locate the unins000.exe file 
(UninstallString) and execute it.  If possible I'd like to search the 
registry and use the info in there but I can't think of a way to use the 
<RegistrySearch> element and be sure it's found, if there.

When I look at my dev machine registry the key would look like this:


How would this work on a 32bit XP machine for instance?  What key value 
can I possibly use to catch all flavours of OS?  I've seen the Win64 
property but I can only find my keys in one place on my dev machine so 
if I said no to this it wouldn't find it on my dev box ... confused!

All the script I have for this at the moment is:

<Property Id='UNINSTALL_EXE'>
<RegistrySearch Id='LocateUninstallExe' Type='file' Root='HKLM' 
Name='UninstallString' Win64='??' />
<Property Id='UNINSTALL_CMD' Value='/SILENT'/>

<Custom Action="ca.RemovePreviousVersion" Before="InstallInitialize" />

<CustomAction Id="ca.RemovePreviousVersion" Property="UNINSTALL_EXE" 
ExeCommand="UNINSTALL_CMD" />

Any pointers on this would be much appreciated.



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