Hello and thank you for your quick answer, Tobias. And thank you very much
for your detailed description on your procedure.

The bad news is: I still don't get it to work.

- I've tried making the transform either with torch.exe or with MsiTran.exe
(from win sdk).
- I've tried embedding those using an embed tool described in the tramontana
page, and using WiSubstg.vbs (from win sdk)
- I've run the WiLangID.vbs from sdk with no problems, the result in command
line says:
     Package language = 1033,1034, ProductLanguage = 1033, Database codepage
= 1252
- I 've opened the file with Orca, went to view -> SummaryInformation. The
"Languages" attribute was, in fact, set to "1033,1034".
- As I read in the Windows Installer SDK that summary information is
composed of the languages AND the architectures (something like
"arch1,Lang1,Lang2; arch2,Lang1,Lang2"), I've tried all the architectures
configurable in the SummaryInformation view with Orca. Some directly made
the installer crash, as expected, and the others still launched the
installer in english.
- To test that the transform is in fact in the installer, I've run: msiexec
/i installer.msi TRANSFORMS=":1034". The UI opens correctly in spanish.

I'm really running out of ideas of why this is not working for me. I am
starting to convince myself that this might be something very silly hidden
somewhere in the process.

Finally, regarding mirrored UI. The tramontana approach is for mirroring
text only right? The "complete" solution would then involve different UI
images and alignment right? Is it achievable to launch different UIs
deppending on the language? (in the event that I finally get a multilanguage
msi file?)

Thank you very much.


2011/3/17 Tobias S <tobias.s1...@gmail.com>

> Hi Francesco,
> Here some information to your questions
> RTL (Right to left language support in WiX) which you need for arabic
> (and hebrew)
> WiX by default: Uses default left to right for these languages.
> Otherwise you must redesign all dialogs to the new layout which is not
> done by default. Assume this needs some effort to do so and do a good
> layout for these dialogs. Here it depends on how important these
> lanugages appear (in fact it is only arabic and hebrew for the WiX
> languages). In tramontana some effort for a custom script was done to
> do so. See http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/loc/index.php in section
> (tfeL ot thgiR).
> For the localization approach described on InstallSite. First of all I
> don't prefer it as there is e.g. no ability for a "Select Language"
> dialog. Also I want to emphasis that this is an undocumented feature!
> I got a short test working as described on InstallSite
> (http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/msi/articles/embeddedlang/index.htm)
> :
> For 1. and 2.) I created a MSI (Setup.msi) and a german MST (de-DE.mst).
> For 3.) I embedded the Transform with
> wisubstg.vbs Setup.msi de-DE.mst 1031
> For 4.) This was a bit tricky. First I tried
> cscript WiLangId.vbs Setup.msi Package 1033,1031. Then I got an error
> "Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths
> are valid." So I did the settings using Orca (View -> Summary
> Information... -> there changed Laanguages to 1033,1031 and saved the
> package afterwards)
> This should work. If you don't get it working what then happens when
> only applying the transform ?
> ( msiexec /i setup.msi TRANSFORMS=de-DE.mst )
> Regards
> Tobias
> 2011/3/17 Francisco Gabriel Malbrán <fgmalb...@gmail.com>:
> > Hello Wix users. This is my first time around. I've been playing for a
> while
> > now and after lots
> > of "do not write to the list stupid questions before you think they are
> not
> > stupid anymore" I think
> > I really need your help.
> > All related to localization of course. I separate the original question
> in
> > two:
> >
> > A) How can I make the multilanguague work?? (I'm trying hard, I swear)
> >
> > Can you please explain in more detail how did you manage to make this
> work?
> >
> > I am using WiX 3.5 in Windows 7 and I just can't find a way to make my
> msi
> > file autodetect
> > the language of the OS. It always starts in the default language,
> english.
> >
> > I've tried a lot of things, for example:
> > - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/install/WixWindowsInstallerDemo3.aspx
> > -
> >
> http://www.geektieguy.com/2010/03/13/create-a-multi-lingual-multi-language-msi-using-wix-and-custom-build-scripts/
> > - things explained in this book:
> >
> http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/-/9781849513722/localizing-your-installer/ch12lvl1sec06(of
> > course, the complete version)
> > - my own mixed versions of all I read in different places.
> > - more
> >
> > Michael, can you explain what you say at the end, about changing the
> > SummaryInfo properties?
> > did you simply use the script as referenced in
> > http://www.installsite.org/pages/en/msi/articles/embeddedlang/index.htm?
> >
> > I used the Windows 7 SDK script
> >
> >         cscript.exe utils\WiLangId.vbs installer.msi Package 1033,1034
> >
> > then open the .msi with Orca and search for 1034. I get nothing. (Not to
> say
> > that obviusly, the
> > installer still launches in english in my spanish OS.
> >
> > B) Does WiX offer some way of Mirroring the user interface? For example,
> > suppose I want my
> > installer to be localized to arabic or some language that is read from
> right
> > to left. How can I make
> > the interface inverted so text are correctly aligned and images are shown
> in
> > a mirrored fashion?
> > (or for example, other images are shown instead of the "traditionals").
> >
> > If you help me with this I will be the happiest guy ever. I'm telling
> you,
> > this is driving me crazy!
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >  From: Michael Tissington <michael_tissington@ci...> - 2011-03-14 14:18
> >
> > Thanks - I was using a script to create the transform but when I use
> torch
> > it works great :)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Tobias S [mailto:tobias.s1...@gmail.com]
> > Sent: 12 March 2011 13:07
> > To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> > Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Multilanguage install
> >
> > Hi, Just did a build with the same things in our build environment.
> > The two MSIs differ only in (except language string)  Product Language
> > Property (1033 and 1040). The transform then is created with Torch.exe -t
> > Language "en-US\SetupProject.msi" "it-IT\SetupProject.msi" -out
> > "en-US\it-IT.mst". Did you use the "-t Language" parameter here ?
> >
> >> I then created a transform between my 1033 and 1040 and embedded it
> >> into the
> >> 1033 with a name of 1040
> >> I then set the Languages in the Summary Info to '1033,1040'
> >
> > Never did it the way as described
> > inhttp://
> www.installsite.org/pages/en/msi/articles/embeddedlang/index.htm
> > . But at first glance the way you tried it seems similar to the described
> > way.
> >
> > What happens if you build the italian and english package and afterwards
> > create the transform as described above and apply it to the english
> package
> > in the form msiexec /i SetupProject.msi TRANSFORMS=it-IT.mst ?
> >
> >
> >
> > 2011/3/11 Michael Tissington <michael_tissing...@ciqual.com>:
> >> Hi I'm having problems with creating an msi that works for different
> > locals.
> >> Below is an extract from the log file
> >>
> >> I have created an msi for each language, changing the Language in the
> >> Product element to 1033 and 1040
> >>
> >> I can run both the 1033 and 1040 msi on the machine and they display
> >> the correct language
> >>
> >> I then created a transform between my 1033 and 1040 and embedded it
> >> into the
> >> 1033 with a name of 1040
> >> I then set the Languages in the Summary Info to '1033,1040'
> >>
> >> I change my regional settings and  then try to run the resulting msi
> >> and it fails.
> >>
> >> Any ideas what I've missed please?
> >>
> >>
> >> -------------------------
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:256]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat
> >> database entry with ProductCode
> '{15FA6484-DB24-460C-97D5-89CA132144D7}'.
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:256]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode
> >> found in database.
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from
> >> system32
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Machine policy value
> >> 'TransformsSecure' is 0 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: User policy
> >> value 'TransformsAtSource' is 0 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]:
> >> Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0 MSI (c) (F4:94)
> >> [15:30:26:271]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is
> >> 0
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Machine policy value
> >> 'DisableLUAPatching' is
> >> 0
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Machine policy value
> >> 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]:
> >> Looking for storage transform: 1040 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]:
> >> Validating transform '1040' with validation bits 0x1 MSI (c) (F4:94)
> >> [15:30:26:271]: Note: 1: 2745 2: 1040 3:
> >> C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\IMPOST~1\Temp\d6082c.msi 4: 1033 5: 1040 MSI (c)
> >> (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: 1: 2745 2: 1040 3:
> >> C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\IMPOST~1\Temp\d6082c.msi 4: 1033 5: 1040 MSI (c)
> >> (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Note: 1: 2729
> >> DEBUG: Error 2745:  Transform 1040 invalid for package
> >> C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\IMPOST~1\Temp\d6082c.msi. Expected language 1033,
> >> found language 1040.
> >> 1: 2745 2: 1040 3: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\IMPOST~1\Temp\d6082c.msi 4: 1033
> > 5:
> >> 1040
> >> Errore nell'applicazione dei trasformatori. Verificare che i percorsi
> >> dei trasformatori specificati siano validi.
> >> 1040
> >> MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Note: 1: 1708 MSI (c) (F4:94)
> >> [15:30:26:271]: Note: 1: 2729 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Note: 1:
> >> 2729 MSI (c) (F4:94) [15:30:26:271]: Product: Session Insight --
> >> Installation failed.
> >>
> >>
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >>
> >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > A question and answer guide to determining the best fit for your
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Francisco Gabriel Malbrán
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Computación
Online CV: www.linkedin.com/in/franciscomalbran
Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
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