Hi all,

Can anyone point me towards a good example of an external UI using DTF?
 I've been googling for a while and still can't piece it together.

Do I just create a standard WinForms / WPF app and then reference
Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller?  Are there any other references /
attributes to set?

What's the general workflow for an external UI?  Is it...

   1. Call Installer.SetExternalUI() to register my external UI handler
   2. Call Installer.OpenPackage() to get a Session
   3. Use the Session to set properties using input gathered from the user
   4. Call Installer.InstallProduct()

How would I do an uninstall or a repair?

As a side note I was considering using a DTF based embedded UI but after
experimenting with the sample in the WiX source I decided against this.
 It's great to be able to fall back to the internal UI when the embedded UI
doesn't support something, but there is no way to handle the absence of .NET
on the target machine - the embedded UI just fails and the install execute
sequence starts.  It would be really cool if the entry point in the self
extracting UI DLL package created by MakeSfxCA was able to detect the
absence of the target framework and fall back to the internal UI.  Maybe in
a future release...

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