On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Bob Arnson <b...@joyofsetup.com> wrote:
> Deferred custom actions can only get a couple of system properties. To
> get any other properties (public or not), you need an immediate CA that
> writes CustomActionData for the deferred CA.

Funnily enough, this played straight into what I am seeing with my
second custom action.

I need to enumerate IIS websites. To do this, I need admin privs.

A little googling seems to suggest that the proper way to do this
would be by using a deferred action. If I understand this correctly,
the deferred action will be executed by the installer service and has
a good chance of running elevated. Fine, except I need the list of web
sites in the UI, so that suggests I need an immediate action...

Further googling then revealed several claims that my whole .msi must
run elevated, to whit the solution is a bootstrapper..?

Please tell me I missed something. :) I would want to avoid a
bootstrapper for as long as possible.

Incidentally, I put in a
<Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install this
but... the log file shows:
MSI (c) (80:D8) [09:04:06:564]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding AdminUser
property. Its value is '1'.
MSI (c) (80:D8) [09:04:06:564]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged
property. Its value is '1'.

Yet I am not really elevated of course. If I run from an elevated
command line, then all is fine.


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