Hi,I'm having some trouble getting a password protected PFX certificate to 
install through WiX.
I'm using WiX 3.5.2519.0.
I include a PFX file as follows:
<Binary Id="My.Binary" 
SourceFile="$(var.ProjectDir)MyProject$(var.ConfigSuffix).pfx" />
The value of $(var.ConfigSuffix) varies based on solution configuration (e.g. " 
(Debug)", " (Stage)"). For "Release", it is set to an empty string.
I have various solution configurations, all but one use a non-password 
protected PFX certificate, "Release" uses a password protected PFX. I deal with 
this by conditionally defining $(var.PfxPassword) in "Release" configuration 
only, and then installing the certificate as follows:
<?ifdef $(var.PfxPassword) ?>        <iis:Certificate Id="My.Certificate" 
StoreName="root" Overwrite="yes" Name="My Web Site$(var.ConfigSuffix)" 
Request="no" BinaryKey="MyCertificate.Binary" StoreLocation="localMachine" 
PFXPassword="$(var.PfxPassword)" /><?else?>        <iis:Certificate 
Id="My.Certificate" StoreName="root" Overwrite="yes" Name="My Web 
Site$(var.ConfigSuffix)" Request="no" BinaryKey="MyCertificate.Binary" 
StoreLocation="localMachine" /><?endif?>
I have also tried replacing "$(var.PfxPassword)" with "[PFXPASSWORD]" (having 
defined this elsewhere), and the actual password in plain text. In every case, 
installation fails with the following log snippet:
Action start 12:29:02: InstallCertificates.InstallCertificates:  Error 
0x80070056: Failed to open PFX file.InstallCertificates:  Error 0x80070056: 
Failed to get SHA1 hash of certificate.InstallCertificates:  Error 0x80070056: 
Failed to resolve certificate: LinnRecords.CertificateCustomAction 
InstallCertificates returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% 
accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)Action ended 12:29:02: 
InstallCertificates. Return value 3.
I believe error 0x80070056 indicates an incorrect password, however I have used 
the Get-PfxCertificate in PowerShell 
(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd347671.aspx) to verify that the 
password I am using is correct.
For all configurations where the PFX file does not use a password, the 
installation works without issue.
I am also having trouble finding any examples of the usage of PFXPassword 
Kind regards, Jim.                                        
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