Ug, batch files? It doesn't look like this supports repair and thus won't
work for patching or minor upgrades (probably all scenarios you cut). Of
course, no error reporting either.

A better way is to build a declarative custom action that is reusable. There
is already one in WiX-contrib ( that does
most of the work. Why not finish it rather than writing batch files that
don't support the full range of scenarios...? <sigh/>

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Nick Ramirez <> wrote:

> We've had quite a bit of hands on experience with this sort of thing
> lately.
> In one project, we bound a certificate to a port during the install so that
> we could use SSL (the same as if you were to go into IIS and set the
> binding
> and choose a certificate). In another case, we used ws-security in the
> web.config by altering the XML at install time. Here I'll just talk about
> the former -- simply binding a certificate to a port.
> To get a port to communicate over SSL, you have to bind a certificate to
> that port. The *netsh* command-line utility works nicely for this. Given an
> IP, port and thumbprint of the certificate you want to use, it can bind
> that
> certificate to the port.
> I use the following .cmd script, passing in the necessary thumbprint (which
> I call "CERTHASH"), and IP and port to bind to.
> *
> REM Sets the certificate for for the port where the WCF runs
> REM Note that we get the appid values from the GUIDs in the AssemblyInfo.cs
> files for the WCF
> REM Dev cert hash example: d4675cce6b8e85678826c3d426dd213ce4731e5d
> SET IP=%2
> ECHO Binding certificate to port %port%
> REM Bind the certificate to the WCF port
> netsh http add sslcert ipport=%IP%:%PORT% certhash=%CERTHASH%
> appid={01C40DD4-FF57-445F-BEDA-06E473DE8589}
> ECHO Done.
> The appId comes from the Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file, where I use the
> [assembly: Guid ...]. The netsh documentation is actually kind of vague
> about this, so I probably could have used any GUID. Oh well.
> I've also got a similar "rollback" script:
> SET IP=%1
> ECHO Deleting certificate from port binding for port %PORT%
> netsh http delete sslcert ipport=%IP%:%PORT%
> ECHO Done.
> I install these two shell scripts along with my application. Here are the
> components I use:
> <Component Id="CMP_BindCertToPortCMD"
>                       Guid="30B2D226-03C6-4230-9988-9977889BA8AC">
>                <File Id="FILE_BindCertToPortCMD"
>                      Source="$(var.sourceDir)bind_cert_to_port.cmd"
>                      KeyPath="yes" />
> </Component>
> <Component Id="CMP_DeleteCertFromPortCMD"
>                       Guid="BC5F4999-2B17-420F-84E9-D4768B8A02A0">
>                <File Id="FILE_DeleteCertFromPortCMD"
>                      Source="$(var.sourceDir)delete_cert_from_port.cmd"
>                      KeyPath="yes" />
> </Component>
> I set up some custom actions:
> <CustomAction Id="CA_BindCertToPort"
>                      Directory="SystemFolder"
>                      Impersonate="yes"
>                      Execute="deferred"
>                      ExeCommand="[SystemFolder]cmd.exe /C
> "[meCCServiceDir]bind_cert_to_port.cmd [WCF_PORT_CERT_THUMBPRINT]
>                      Return="check" />
> <CustomAction Id="CA_RollbackBindCertToPort"
>                      Directory="SystemFolder"
>                      Impersonate="yes"
>                      Execute="rollback"
>                      ExeCommand="[SystemFolder]cmd.exe /C
> "[meCCServiceDir]delete_cert_from_port.cmd [ASMX_WEBSITE_IP]
> [WCF_PORT]""
>                      Return="ignore" />
> <CustomAction Id="CA_UninstallBindCertToPort"
>                      Directory="SystemFolder"
>                      Impersonate="yes"
>                      Execute="deferred"
>                      ExeCommand="[SystemFolder]cmd.exe /C
> "[meCCServiceDir]delete_cert_from_port.cmd [ASMX_WEBSITE_IP]
> [WCF_PORT]""
>                      Return="ignore" />
> And then I schedule them:
> <InstallExecuteSequence>
>           <Custom Action="CA_FindIpsForDnsEntries"
> After="InstallInitialize">1</Custom>
>           <Custom Action="CA_SetWcfPortFromRegistry"
> After="CA_SetAsmxDnsFromRegistry">REMOVE="ALL"</Custom>
> *           <Custom Action="CA_RollbackBindCertToPort"
> Before="CA_BindCertToPort">NOT Installed</Custom>
>           <Custom Action="CA_BindCertToPort" Before="InstallServices">NOT
> Installed</Custom>
>           <Custom Action="CA_UninstallBindCertToPort"
> Before="RemoveFiles">REMOVE="ALL"</Custom>*
> </InstallExecuteSequence>
> Notice that I also used another custom action to get the IP address based
> on
> the DNS of the website (I used C# for that) and one to get the port I'd
> bound to, if this is happening during an uninstall, from the registry. That
> way, I would have the port again, even though the user didn't enter them
> into a UI.
> If you're going the ws-security route, that's another thing. I'm saying a
> lot of stuff here. The main thing is just to use netsh to bind the
> certificate to the port and presto you're ready for HTTPS. We even use this
> to have SSL over a port other than 443.
> --
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> Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at
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