
Has anyone tried to include Microsoft Enterprise Library's merge module (it
installs along with Enterprise Library) in a Wix project?  I've done so, but
where other merge modules work fine, the Enterprise Library merge module's
files always install to C:\, regardless of where in my directory hierarchy I
place the Merge element.  E.g.:

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="$(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder)">
        <Directory Id="INSTALLLOCATION" Name="!(loc.MyFolder)">
          <Directory Id="InstallerTest" Name="Installer Test">
            <Directory Id="Server" Name="Server Merge Module">
              <Merge Id="MMServer" Language="!(loc.Language)"
SourceFile="$(var.MMServer.TargetPath)" DiskId="1" />
            <Directory Id="EntLib" Name="Enterprise Library Merge Module">
              *<Merge Id="EnterpriseLibraryBinaries"
SourceFile="..\InstallerCommon\MergeModules\Enterprise Library 5.0 -
Binaries.msm" DiskId="1" />
*            </Directory>
    <Feature Id="InstallerTestFeature" Title="Installer Tester" Level="1"  >
      <MergeRef Id="MMServer" />
      <MergeRef Id="EnterpriseLibraryBinaries" />
I used Orca to inspect the merge module, and all of the files are placed
directly in TARGETDIR (whereas the other merge modules I use tend to have
their files placed in a subfolder of TARGETDIR with Name="." - perhaps this
is the difference).  Or perhaps there is some property I need to set that
enterprise library expects - but that would be an enterprise library
question, and when asked they directed me here :)

Any help anyone can provide would be great!

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