Does this make sense?

The first package in the bundle that attempts to uninstall returns an error 
code (Package Vital="yes").
Processing stops and Setup Failed, as I would expect.
However the ARP entry for the bundle gets removed.  I would expect that to 
remain intact.
Is that indicated by the two lines in the log, "Removing ... bundle..." ?
Is there something I can configure so the ARP entry does not get removed?  Or 
could this be a bug?  I am using WiX build 3.6.1929.0.

[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:58:40]: Apply begin
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:58:41]: Applying package: Example.exe, action: 
Uninstall, path: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Package 
Cache\EBB8B79FCC72E0E343477DB4241442115E920409\Packages\Example.exe, arguments: 
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Error 0xffffffff: Process returned error: 
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Error 0xffffffff: Failed to configure 
per-user EXE package.
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Error 0xffffffff: Failed to execute EXE 
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Error 0xffffffff: Failed to execute apply.
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Removing bundle dependency key: 
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Removing cached bundle: 
{b0cf830a-2557-4208-a8f4-64044bb6dbf7}, from path: 
[0BBC:0394][2011-08-10T17:59:00]: Apply complete, result: 0xffffffff restart: No

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