Hi all - I've been experimenting with torch/pyro/patching on our Wix installer, 
which I'm proud to say has completely replaced InstallShield for our 

The thing I'm wondering about is this: do you have to use .wixpdb files as 
input to torch, or can you use .msi's instead ?  The docs imply the answer is 
"yes".  Everything works fine if I try using .wixpdb's but if I use .msi's I 
get the following error from pyro :

"pyro.exe : error PYRO0315 : Source information is required for the product 
'{GUID omitted}'. If you ran torch.exe with both target and updated .msi files, 
you must first perform an administrative installation of both  .msi files then 
pass -a when running torch.exe."

Here's how I invoked torch :

"torch -p -xo orig\SetupProject1.msi new\SetupProject1.msi -out 

Are .wixpdb's really necessary to get this to work ?  Do the .MSI's not contain 
enough info by themselves ?  Thanks for any info !

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