
I've created a WIX project in my solution that works as expected, especially it rebuilds only if one of the projects it depends on changes.

Now I've added the C++ runtime as a merge module, and now the WIX project is rebuilt every time I build the solution.

Here's what I added to my wxs:

    <DirectoryRef Id="TARGETDIR">
      <Merge Id="VCRedist" SourceFile="$(env.CommonProgramFiles)\Merge 
Modules\Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm" DiskId="1" Language="0"/>

    <Feature Id="VCRedist" Title="Visual C++ 8.0 Runtime" AllowAdvertise="no" 
Display="hidden" Level="1">
      <MergeRef Id="VCRedist"/>
This is exactly as described in the WIX help.

The rest of my wxs is rather straightforward, a number of components that all go into a folder created inside the "program files" folder.

I can't spot the problem. Does anyone else have an idea?

I tried to find something in the "diagnostic" build log in Visual Studio, but I didn't see anything obvious.

Just in case it helps, I have attached my wxs files (one is generated from heat, the other one is hand-written).


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