The wixstdba doesn't parse anything from the command line today.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Ian Williams <>wrote:

> I'm trying to pass variables into a burn bundle like this:
> MyInstaller.exe SOME_VARIABLE=true
> I found a thread saying that variables passed into a burn bundle are given
> to the BootstrapperApplication, which may create variables from them.  I'm
> using WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense as my
> BootstrapperApplicationRef. Does this not create Variables from values
> passed in like this? The logs show no such variable being created.
> If I add <Variable Name=" SOME_VARIABLE " Type="string" Value="false" />,
> then the value is simply false.
> Thanks,
> Ian
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