A patch is simply shipping "part" of an "imaginary" MSI that would have been
installed using the "v" value as part of the REINSTALLMODE property supplied
on the commandline. Thus, your upgraded authoring needs to include the
authoring needed to get your custom action to do what it needs to do. That
depends on the design of your custom action.


-----Original Message-----
From: keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca [mailto:keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:09 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] patches and custom actions

Hi everyone,

If I create a package with a custom action and an upgrade of same with the
same custom action, can I change the properties in the upgraded one in such
a way that when the patch creator is run the resulting MSP package not only
does the CA run in the patch, but also the relevant change in properties is
also reflected in the patch so the CA runs appropriately?

For example, the original install installs (amongst other things):


and writes information to two files via CA 1.xml 2.xml

This requires (due to the way an application works) creating the WXS for
this installer in such a way as to create the details for 1.xml and 2.xml
via properties.

Later, as part of supporting new features in the applications, I want to add
another of the "support libraries", call it


In order for the application now to use it, we need to write again to 1.xml
and 2.xml via CA But the CA has to have its properties fed in again
(basically the name of LibC.dll) to configure those files successfully. Can
this be done automatically as part of the MSP generation?

(For what it is worth, this is part of an upgrade to an existing application
which includes "device detection and management code" as part of a "hands
free" transmission application using various cellular modems. The LibX.dll
mentioned are our libraries for detecting a given device, configuring it for
the specified carrier, etc. They use a standard interface known by the
application and abstract away from the vendor specifics.)

- * -

Alternatively, if I release future installers that do the equivalent (call
it a "small installer") of what the aforementioned MSP is *supposed* to do
(i.e. install an additional file or two, update some configurations with the
CA), what will happen when the large upgrade comes along and wants to
install the same files as the small installer as well as updates to the main
application, will this work? Will it "damage" the installation of the small
installed bits? If so, does that matter? The contents of the small installed
bits will likely at most be libraries written in managed code and perhaps
their native counterparts for p/invoke or the like purposes, whereas the
larger updates will include changes to the two applications that make use of
these libraries.


Keith Douglas
Statistics Canada | 170 Tunney's Pasture Driveway, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
Statistique Canada | 170, promenade Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa ON K1A 0T6
keith.doug...@statcan.gc.ca Telephone | Téléphone 613-951-4405 Facsimile |
Télécopieur 613-951-1966 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 

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