I have failed to get the <bal:condition> to work. I think I need more time
to understand the tool's layers.
In the race for time I have done the following to at least get what is
needed to for the bootstrapper to work for now.

<Chain DisableRollback="yes" >

      <PackageGroupRef Id="NetFX40" />
      <PackageGroupRef Id="VSTO40x86" />
      <PackageGroupRef Id="VSTO40x64" />

      <RollbackBoundary Vital="yes" />
      <PackageGroupRef Id ="OurProduct.msi"/>

This way when the user cancel's an installation of the MSI via the UI, the
"Plan" does not execute the VSTO and NETFX packages [which runs in repair
mode when they are already installed on the machine]

Not sure if this would be an acceptable practise. If this fails then I will
need to resort to using other methods to generate bootstrappers for now.

The below is my LOG from the Bundle. 

[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Burn v3.6.2221.0, path:
C:\Users\tina\Desktop\SOI.Bootstrapper.exe, cmdline: ''
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to
value 'Exact Synergy Office Integration Bootstrapper'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to
value 'C:\Users\tina\AppData\Local\Temp\Ourproduct_20120116172323.log'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detect 4 packages
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting version variable 'WixSOIInstalled'
to value '5.0.359.0'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable
'NetFX40x64Install' to value '1'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable 'VSTO40x64Install'
to value '1'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable 'NetFX40Install'
to value '1'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Setting string variable 'VSTO40x86Install'
to value '1'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Condition '(NetFX40Install >= 1) OR
(NetFX40x64Install >= 1)' evaluates to true.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detected package:
dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe, state: Present, cached: Yes
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Condition 'VSTO40x86Install >= 1'
evaluates to true.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detected package: vstor40_x86.exe, state:
Present, cached: Yes
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Condition 'VSTO40x64Install >= 1'
evaluates to true.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detected package: vstor40_x64.exe, state:
Present, cached: Yes
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detected package: Ourproduct, state:
Present, cached: Yes
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:23]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Plan 4 packages, action: Install
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Condition 'NOT NetFX40Install OR
(VersionNT64 AND NOT NetFX40x64Install)' evaluates to false.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe' to value
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Planned package:
dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe, state: Present, default requested: Absent, ux
requested: Absent, execute: None, rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: No,
dependency: Register
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Condition 'NOT VersionNT64 AND NOT
VSTO40x86Install' evaluates to false.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_vstor40_x86.exe' to value
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Planned package: vstor40_x86.exe, state:
Present, default requested: Absent, ux requested: Absent, execute: None,
rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Condition 'VersionNT64 AND NOT
VSTO40x64Install' evaluates to false.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_vstor40_x64.exe' to value
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Planned package: vstor40_x64.exe, state:
Present, default requested: Absent, ux requested: Absent, execute: None,
rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: No, dependency: Register
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Condition 'NOT WixSOIInstalled' evaluates
to false.
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleLog_Ourproduct' to value
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Setting string variable
'WixBundleRollbackLog_OurProduct' to value
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Planned package: Ourproduct, state:
Present, default requested: Absent, ux requested: Absent, execute:
Uninstall, rollback: Install, cache: No, uncache: Yes, dependency:
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:25]: Apply begin
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:23:35]: Applying package: Ourproduct, action:
Uninstall, path: C:\Users\tina\AppData\Local\Package
arguments: '(null)'
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:24:06]: Removing cached package:
{183B99EC-EF7E-46AC-ACA0-28D06BEE1604}v5.0.359.0, from path:
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:24:06]: Apply complete, result: 0x0 restart: No
[0AC8:0928][2012-01-16T17:24:08]: Shutting down, exit code: 0x0

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