I am building an installer with a device driver, to be installed with the WiX 
difx extension. The driver is self-signed for testing purposes. I set my 
<Package> element to 
<Package Description="..." 
                 InstallPrivileges="elevated" />
and everything seemed fine. However I reasoned that a device driver had better 
be perMachine so I changed the InstallScope to perMachine. 
Now the installer fails and rolls back. Looking at the logs it is difx, 
returning error TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE.
My questions:
1. Does WiX handle the case where a perUser install has a device driver (as 
long as InstallPrivileges is elevated)?
2. Am I correct in saying that the problem is my self-signed certificate - it's 
trusted by 'me' but for a perMachine install it is no longer trusted?

Thanks in advance,

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