ActiveSetup predates MSI and doens't really know anything about MSI.   The 
only thing that ActiveSetup "copies" is the version registry value so that 
it knows it doesn't need to run again.  What active setup really does is 
run a program.  This program could be Notepad but in our case it's msiexec 
to get MSI to repair itself and install the HKCU registry components.

Make sense? I can send you some sample WXS tonight if you still need it.


From: "McCain, Jon" <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 3:08 PM

To: "" <>, "General discussion for Windows 
Installer XML toolset." <>, "Wilson, Phil" 
<>, "Dan Gough" <>

Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 
users in a per machine install

Okay last question here...

Does Active Setup require that some component be set as ADVERTISED? 

I have not been able to see Active Setup copy ANYTHING from HKLM to HKCU 
for the non-installing user.

There has got to be a way to get this to work that I am just blindly not 


-----Original Message-----

From: McCain, Jon 

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:44 AM

To:; General discussion for Windows Installer XML 
toolset.; Wilson, Phil; Dan Gough

Cc: McCain, Jon

Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 
users in a per machine install

I'll try it again with a fresh image but my understanding based on the 
links is that the replication should occur if the key is not there or if 
the version is higher in the HKLM Active Setup key. When each user logs in 
that replication should occur and then launch that repair. 

>From what I have seen so far the replication is not occurring at all 
therefore not getting to the repair portion. As I said though I'll try it 
again on a clean machine just to be %100 sure.

Although Phil stated that it had to be with an advertised shortcut which in 
my case I am NOT doing... Chris are you saying that is necessary as well?



-----Original Message-----

From: Christopher Painter []

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 3:40 PM

To: Wilson, Phil; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.; 
Dan Gough

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 
users in a per machine install

Actually I just realized I've been saying it all. I've been implying that 
the repair approach and the active setup approach are mutually exclusive. 

In fact the active setup is just a way to trigger the repair through a 
command line when an advertised shortcut is unavailable.

I'm sorry if I was unclear or if I was clear and now I'm just confusing 
myself. :-)


From: "Christopher Painter" <>

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 2:33 PM

To: "Wilson, Phil" <>, "General discussion for 
Windows Installer XML toolset." <>, "Dan 
Gough" <>

Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 
users in a per machine install

l've used the Active Setup technique and replication occurred right away 
when the user logged on. 

Make sure you are using a clean machine such as a snapshotted VM to ensure 

a good testing environment. It could be that replication already occurred 

and isn't occuring again because the Version value isn't 



From: "Wilson, Phil" <>

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 2:30 PM

To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 

<>, "" <>, 

"Dan Gough" <>

Subject: RE: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 

users in a per machine install

Log in won't cause replication of the keys. An earlier post mentioned that 

you need an advertised shortcut. 

Phil W 

-----Original Message-----

From: McCain, Jon [] 

Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 8:06 AM

To:; General discussion for Windows Installer XML 

toolset.; Dan Gough

Cc: McCain, Jon

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 

users in a per machine install

I have tried using the Active Setup keys but when the other user logs in 

the replication isn't occurring nor is the repair type install.

Here is what my setup looks like:

<!--Installed at HKLM so that Active Setup keys can be imployed-->

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_185" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Report 

Click-To-Dial Problem" Value="[#ctxmenu.htm]"/>

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_186" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Report 

Click-To-Dial Problem\Contexts" Value="1"/>

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_activesetup_regfix_1" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed 

Components\[ProductCode]" Value="[ProductName]" />

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_activesetup_regfix_2" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed 

Components\[ProductCode]\StubPath" Value="msiexec /fou [ProductCode] 


<RegistryValue Id="ctd_activesetup_regfix_3" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed 

Components\[ProductCode]\Version" Value="1,0,0"/>

HKCU items are in separate components so that they can have the KeyPath 

attribute set.

<!--Must be installed in HKCU for installing user to immediately use. All 

other users will have the plugin silently repaired using Active Setup-->

<Component Id="ctd_ieplugin_hkcu_menuext" 

Guid="DB65E89E-C207-43BC-B4E9-E75D20A870AF" SharedDllRefCount="yes">

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_183" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKCU" KeyPath="yes" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet 

Explorer\MenuExt\Report Click-To-Dial Problem" Value="[#ctxmenu.htm]"/>

<!--These two entries keep the install from re-running or repairing itself 

when the installing user logs back in.-->

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_activesetup_HKCU_COPY_1" Action="write" 

Type="string" Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed 

Components\[ProductCode]" Value="[ProductName]" />

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_activesetup_HKCU_COPY_2" Action="write" 

Type="string" Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed 

Components\[ProductCode]\Version" Value="1,0,0"/>


<Component Id="ctd_ieplugin_hkcu_menuext_context" 

Guid="327241A1-ECFF-454D-A8EC-34E0BF616904" SharedDllRefCount="yes">

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_184" Action="write" Type="string" 

Root="HKCU" KeyPath="yes" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet 

Explorer\MenuExt\Report Click-To-Dial Problem\Contexts" Value="1"/>


The OS I am running this on is Windows 7 64 Bit. The installing user is 

also in the local admin group but the others users are not.


-----Original Message-----

From: Christopher Painter [] 

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 7:12 PM

To: Dan Gough; General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 

users in a per machine install

Then there's the case of Office AddIns that allowed either HKCU or HKLM in 

2003, took away in 2007 ( and put it back with a hotfix and enabling 

registry value ) and really put it back in 2010 leaving one hell of a mess 

for us installer guys to deal with.

So, yes, YMMV... in the event it really needs to be HKCU like the poster 

asserted then my response below will help.


From: "Dan Gough" <>

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 5:21 PM

To:, "General discussion for Windows Installer XML 

toolset." <>

Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all 

users in a per machine install

Or try applying the key to HKLM rather than HKCU in the first place. Many 

Windows settings can apply to either key to give you the flexibility of 

having each setting system-wide or per-user.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 9:34 PM, Christopher Painter <> 


The Registry element has a Root attribute that you can set to HKCU. If

your program has an advertised shortcut you can use this to trigger

resilency to complete the installation for each user who uses your app.

It's an ugly story though like the old Office install that popped up every

time you went to a new conference room and logged in.

Here's an alternative approach that avoids all that:



From: "McCain, Jon" <>

Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 3:28 PM

To: "General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.

(" <>

Subject: [WiX-users] Adding Internet Explorer Context Menu item for all

users in a per machine install

I have been working on a new install where a context menu is added to the

Right-Click Menu within Internet Explorer.

Everything I have read regarding this requires the key be added to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer. This does work but

the issue I have is that our installs are run as per-machine installs and

this causes other users that login to not have this menu.

Links to MSDN articles explaining context menu additions for Internet


The wxs code is quite simple for this addition:

<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_183" Action="write" Type="string"

Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\keyName"


<RegistryValue Id="ctd_classinfo_184" Action="write" Type="string"

Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\ keyName

\Contexts" Value="1"/>

Has anyone run into this or another issue where a per-machine install is

performed but features or other items need to exist for all users in the

above fashion?





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