Hi all,

Hope you can help me with this one. I have been google-ing but found no

What I have done is upgraded from Wix v3 to Wix v3.6 (because of VS2010
support). I have managed to get everything working just fine except for
when building a patch. I get this warning from pyro.exe

pyro.exe -nologo ..\Patch\obj\Deploy\Patch_7.17.8.3550.WixMsp -out
..\output\Deploy\Patch_7.17.8.3550.msp -t RTM

C:\Project\***\Setup\Patch\patch.wxs(10): warning PYRO1079: The cabinet
'RTM.cab' does not contain any files.  If this installation contains no
files, this warning can likely be safely ignored.  Otherwise, please add
files to the cabinet or remove it.

So, the patch is empty even though I have modified a file which thereby
should be included in the patch (and which worked before upgrading wix).
Now the CAB-file is always empty in the patch for some reason.

The best I could google was this link:

He has almost the exact same problem and he says in hist first post that he
got it working when going to v3.5, Is this bug confirmed in 3.6 or is there
something other that is wrong?

In Diff.wixmst I can see that the file I have altered is mentioned in there
but I have no idea if that means it is considered modified or not. I can
see some <field> tags there that have a "modified="yes" " attribute, but
the filed tags associated with the altered file do not seem to have that

Like the guy in the link above I have tried changing the size and version
of the file but to no avail in my case.

In my patch.wxs it looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>




      DisplayName="Upgrade for *** - $(var.Version)"

      Description="Upgrades *** components"

      Classification="Update" >

    <Media Id="5000" Cabinet="RTM.cab">

      <PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>




I read somewhere that the most common reason for this error is that the
PatchBaseline is not matched up correctly with the first argument to pyro
after the "-t" flag. But it seems in my case they are both called "RTM"...

So, patch gets built without errors but does not include the files for the
patch after upgrade to WIX v3.6.

Anyone, any ideas?
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