My comment below wasn't entirely correct - the "MSI Package" WAS uninstalled - 
but the SQL Express instance wasn't.  I have verified that the command line in 
the "UninstallCommand" does work when run manually - it seems it wasn't called 
when I did the uninstall...

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Sniderman [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:08 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Burn SQL Express Install Fails 0x84b40000

Those links were for different errors - that hex code must be generic

I'm getting my friendly neighborhood DBA to help.  He pointed me to folder 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log

(Since this is SQL Server 2008 R2 Express).  Which creates a folder for each 
install attempt.

So - one thing I learned is to validate the command line outside WiX before 
putting it in (d'uh!)  David Watson was correct about the parm below.

Also - you CAN'T run the 32-bit installer on a 64-bit machine (my DBA thought 
you could - but would get a 32-bit engine)...  That was my next error.  The 
target machines will all be 32-bit - but one of my Dev laptops is 64. I then 
started testing on a 32-bit machine.

So - I got it tweaked from command line - and this did install successfully! 
(See below)

The bad news - I did an uninstall (through control panel) of the bootstrapper  
and it did not uninstall either SQL Express or CMSNext.  

Note that if you do make a "standard package" I'm guessing most people will 
just want the SQLEngine feature and not necessarily Replication.  I would 
expect needing to set an instance name would be a popular need...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="";>
  <Bundle Name="BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress" Version="" 
Manufacturer="Abbott Laboratories" 
Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
    <!--<WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />-->        
      <ExePackage Id="SQLServerExpress" 
/FEATURES=SQLEngine Replication /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /QS"
/FEATURES=SQLEngine Replication /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /QS"
/IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /QS"
      <MsiPackage Id="CMSNext" 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Mensching []
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 8:56 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Burn SQL Express Install Fails 0x84b40000

PS: When you discover the correct set of parameters, let us know here.
There is a plan afoot to "pre-bake" the silent install of a bunch of well known 
redists so you can use them by just doing PackageGroupRef Id="x" at the correct 
place in your Chain.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:33 AM, David Watson <> wrote:

> SQL Express can be a pain to install silently, the trick is to run it 
> from the command line without the silent switch on until you are sure 
> you have the right parameters.
> I suspect you will at least need to add the 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Sniderman []
> Sent: 21 March 2012 02:48
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Burn SQL Express Install Fails 0x84b40000
> I'm trying to use Burn to Chain a SQL Express Install with my 
> application and I'm getting what appears to be a generic error code - 
> I can't find anything specific as to what the actual failure is.  If I 
> run the install from the command line with the same parameters it's 
> failing...
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix 
> xmlns="";>
>  <Bundle Name="BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress" Version=""
> Manufacturer="Abbott Laboratories"
> UpgradeCode="b89ca7ba-9287-4041-b466-5f3ebb12647d">
>    <BootstrapperApplicationRef
> Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
>    <!--<WixVariable Id="WixStdbaLicenseRtf" Value="License.rtf" />-->
>    <Chain>
>      <ExePackage Id="SQLServerExpress"
>                  Compressed="no"
>                  Name="SQLServerExpress"
>                  SourceFile="Binaries\SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU.exe"
>                  InstallCommand="/Action=Install
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance) /FEATURES=SQLEngine, Replication /QS"
>                  RepairCommand="/ACTION=Repair 
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance)"
>                  UninstallCommand="/Action=Uninstall
> /INSTANCENAME=$(var.Instance)"
>                  Vital="yes">
>      </ExePackage>
>      <MsiPackage Id="CMSNext"
> SourceFile="$(var.SetupCMSNextWIX.TargetDir)SetupCMSNext.msi"
> Name="$(var.Name)">
>      </MsiPackage>
>    </Chain>
>  </Bundle>
> </Wix>
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Burn v3.6.2221.0, path:
> C:\TFS2010\CMSNext\CMS
> Next\Branches\BuildAutomation\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress\bin\Debug\
> SetupCM
> SNext.exe, cmdline: ''
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName'
> to
> value 'BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleLog' to value 
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_
> 2012032021
> 1500.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\TFS2010\CMSNext\CMS
> Next\Branches\BuildAutomation\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress\bin\Debug\
> SetupCM
> SNext.exe'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detect 2 packages
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected related bundle:
> {a6290142-ee0c-47b2-9a25-67b60fd4be2d}, scope: PerMachine, version:
> operation: None
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected package: SQLServerExpress,
> state:
> Absent, cached: No
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detected package: CMSNext, state: 
> Absent,
> cached: No
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:00]: Detect complete, result: 0x0
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Plan 2 packages, action: Install
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleLog_SQLServerExpress' to value 
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_
> 2012032021
> 1500_0_SQLServerExpress.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleRollbackLog_SQLServerExpress' to value 
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_
> 2012032021
> 1500_0_SQLServerExpress_rollback.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Planned package: SQLServerExpress, state:
> Absent, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute:
> Install,
> rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleLog_CMSNext' to value
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_201
> 2032021
> 1500_1_CMSNext.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Setting string variable 
> 'WixBundleRollbackLog_CMSNext' to value
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress_201
> 2032021
> 1500_1_CMSNext_rollback.log'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Planned package: CMSNext, state: 
> Absent, default requested: Present, ux requested: Present, execute: 
> Install,
> rollback: Uninstall, cache: Yes, uncache: No, dependency: Register
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Plan complete, result: 0x0
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:05]: Apply begin
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:08]: Caching executable from:
> 'C:\TFS2010\CMSNext\CMS
> Next\Branches\BuildAutomation\BootstrapCMSNextAndSQLExpress\bin\Debug\
> SetupCM SNext.exe' to: 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}\SetupCMSNext.exe'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:08]: Registering bundle dependency key:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}, version
> [0624:36A8][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Moving payload from working path
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c
> 61e5}\S QLServerExpress' to path
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D\SQLServerExpress'
> [2E14:2E34][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Moving payload from working path
> 'C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Temp\{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c
> 61e5}\C MSNext' to path 'C:\ProgramData\Package 
> Cache\{C5CE00F2-5C35-42FA-91DD-551DFE87C6ED}v1.0.0.0\CMSNext-Dev'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:15:09]: Applying package: SQLServerExpress,
> action:
> Install, path: C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D\SQLServerExpress, arguments:
> '"C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D\SQLServerExpress"
> Replication'
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Process returned error:
> 0x84b40000
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to 
> configure per-user EXE package.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to execute 
> EXE package.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing cached package:
> ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D, from path:
> C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\ACF5494D18EDF117A2683D66A96FB8954F98D86D\
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Error 0x84b40000: Failed to execute 
> apply.
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing bundle dependency key:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Removing cached bundle:
> {4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}, from path:
> C:\Users\daniels\AppData\Local\Package
> Cache\{4dac6a09-c35c-403f-854b-0af65f3c61e5}\
> [0624:3F24][2012-03-20T21:25:26]: Apply complete, result: 0x84b40000
> restart:
> No
> Daniel P. Sniderman| Sr Consultant| Magenic MCSD.NET, MCTS: Team 
> Foundation Server 2010 Administration
> 333 E. Butterfield Rd. Suite 100, Lombard, IL 60148
> Mobile: 847-668-4882  | eFax 847-390-7810 | 
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