
Due to KB 905238(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/905238) I have to schedule
RemoveExisitngProducts after InstallFinalize. Hence during upgrade my new
product gets installed first and then the old product gets removed.

The product which I am working on adds a port rule to the firewall so that
the port can be used by the service installed by the product for
communicating with the network. Now the msi of the old product removes this
port from firewall during uninstall. Since both the new and the old version
of the product use the same port for communicating, the behavior which we
are seeing during upgrade  is that even though the new product opens the
port during install, the old product removes it during uninstall. The net
effect is that port is removed from the firewall.

Opening up a port in the firewall seems to be a system change and should be
done in a deferred custom action and should be done after the old product
has been uninstalled. Hence, this custom action should be done
after RemoveExisitngProducts. However, since  RemoveExisitngProducts is
after Installfinalize, I cannot run this as a deferred custom action
because deferred CAs run between InstallInitilaize and InstallFinalize. I
also cannot change the old product behavior to not remove the port during
an upgrade case as the old product has already been released.

Can someone please guide me through this and let me know how can invoke a
custom action making a system change after RemoveExistingProducts(which is
scheduled after InstallFinalize). Alternatively, if there is any other way
of doing this I would be interested in knowing that as well.

Thanks for your help!!

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