Hi again,

For more information: the error only appears when I show the dialog 
before the WelcomeDlg.
If I show the dialog before the ProgressDlg for example, it builds 

This doesn't work (see error messages + warnings in previous message):

<?if $(var.Platform) = "x64" ?>
<Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="WelcomeDlg">NOT 
<Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="WelcomeDlg">NOT DTSDIR</Show>

While, this works without any error/warning:

<?if $(var.Platform) = "x64" ?>
<Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="ProgressDlg">NOT 
<Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="ProgressDlg">NOT DTSDIR</Show>

There must be some bug which tries to load the WixUI_Advanced when 
referencing WelcomeDlg inside the InstallUiSequence?

I'll test with that to ensure that it's correctly working, but at least, 
it builds without problems.

Let me know if I'm doing something wrong...

Thank you,


Le 05/04/2012 14:25, Omar a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm updating to Wix 3.5 (I think I used WiX 3.0 before, but I need
> support for VS 2010).
> But I now have problems with my current installer.
> I'm using a custom UI (sorry for long code...):
> ---------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
> xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension";>
> <Fragment>
> <UI Id="WixUI_Enesys">
> <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Normal" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" />
> <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bold" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" Bold="yes" />
> <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Bigger" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="12" Bold="yes" />
> <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Title" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="9" Bold="yes" />
> <TextStyle Id="WixUI_Font_Error" FaceName="Tahoma" Size="8" Bold="yes"
> Blue="0" Green="0" Red="255"/>
> <Property Id="DefaultUIFont" Value="WixUI_Font_Normal" />
> <Property Id="WixUI_Mode" Value="Enesys" />
> <DialogRef Id="ErrorDlg" />
> <DialogRef Id="FatalError" />
> <DialogRef Id="FilesInUse" />
> <DialogRef Id="MsiRMFilesInUse" />
> <DialogRef Id="PrepareDlg" />
> <DialogRef Id="ProgressDlg" />
> <DialogRef Id="ResumeDlg" />
> <DialogRef Id="UserExit" />
> <Publish Dialog="EnesysExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog"
> Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="WelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="LicenseAgreementDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="WelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="LicenseAgreementDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="CustomizeDlg" Order="2">LicenseAccepted = "1"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="CustomizeDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Order="1">WixUI_InstallMode = "Change"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="CustomizeDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="LicenseAgreementDlg" Order="2">WixUI_InstallMode =
> "InstallCustom"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="CustomizeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="ShortcutDlg" Order="1">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="ShortcutDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="CustomizeDlg" Order="1">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="ShortcutDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="ShortcutDlg" Order="1">WixUI_InstallMode = "InstallCustom"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="CustomizeDlg" Order="2">WixUI_InstallMode = "Change"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="VerifyReadyDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Order="3">WixUI_InstallMode = "Repair" OR
> WixUI_InstallMode = "Remove"</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="MaintenanceTypeDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="ChangeButton"
> Event="NewDialog" Value="CustomizeDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RepairButton"
> Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="RemoveButton"
> Event="NewDialog" Value="VerifyReadyDlg">1</Publish>
> <Publish Dialog="MaintenanceTypeDlg" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog"
> Value="MaintenanceWelcomeDlg">1</Publish>
> </UI>
> <UIRef Id="WixUI_Common"/>
> </Fragment>
> </Wix>
> ---------------------------------
> Like that it works correctly I don't have any error.
> But I also have a custom error Dialog that is displayed if some
> necessary things are not installed on the workstation.
> Here it is :
> ---------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
> <?include Definitions/VersionDef.wxi ?>
> <Fragment>
> <UI>
> <Dialog Id="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Width="270" Height="105"
> Title="[ProductName] Setup">
> <Control Id="ErrorText" Type="Text" X="48" Y="15" Width="205"
> Height="60" TabSkip="no" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes">
> <Text>SQL Server $(var.SqlVersion) Integration Services was not detected
> on this computer. Please install Integration Services before installing
> [ProductName].</Text>
> </Control>
> <Control Id="ErrorIcon" Type="Icon" X="15" Y="15" Width="24" Height="24"
> ToolTip="!(loc.ErrorDlgErrorIconTooltip)" FixedSize="yes" IconSize="32"
> Text="!(loc.WaitForCostingDlgIcon)" />
> <Control Id="O" Type="PushButton" X="100" Y="80" Width="56" Height="17"
> TabSkip="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUIOK)">
> <Publish Event="EndDialog" Value="Exit">1</Publish>
> </Control>
> </Dialog>
> <InstallUISequence>
> <?if $(var.Platform) = "x64" ?>
> <Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="WelcomeDlg">NOT
> DTSDIR.X64</Show>
> <?else?>
> <Show Dialog="SqlServerPrerequisitesDlg" Before="WelcomeDlg">NOT
> DTSDIR</Show>
> <?endif?>
> </InstallUISequence>
> </UI>
> </Fragment>
> </Wix>
> ---------------------------------
> As soon as I build my project, I start having errors such as:
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\WixUI_Advanced.wxs(38): error LGHT0094: 
> Unresolved reference to symbol 'Property:ApplicationFolderName' in section 
> 'Fragment:'.
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\InstallScopeDlg.wxs(23): error LGHT0094: 
> Unresolved reference to symbol 'Property:WixAppFolder' in section 'Fragment:'.
> I saw another user who has the same problem:
> http://windows-installer-xml-wix-toolset.687559.n2.nabble.com/Wix-3-5-Unresolved-reference-to-symbol-Property-ApplicationFolderName-td5776565.html
> And Rob answered him to specify some necessary things for WixUI_Advanced.
> Except that I don't use WixUI_Advanced, I use a custom UI that only
> references WixUI_Common!!
> Anyway, I tried to add the necessary things for WixUI_Advanced, so I
> don't have this error anymore.
> It seems to work, but it throws some other errors:
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\WixUI_Advanced.wxs(125): error LGHT0170: The 
> InstallUISequence table contains an action 'WelcomeDlg' that is declared in 
> two different locations.  Please remove one of the actions or set the 
> Overridable='yes' attribute on one of their elements.
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\WixUI_Minimal.wxs(63): error LGHT0171: The 
> location of the action related to previous error.
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\ExitDialog.wxs(37): warning LGHT1050: The 
> AdminUISequence table contains actions 'ExitDialog' and 'EnesysExitDialog' 
> which both have the same sequence number -1.  Please change the sequence 
> number for one of these actions to avoid an ICE warning.
> ...\EnesysExitDialog.wxs(29): warning LGHT1051: The location of the action 
> related to previous warning.
> ...\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib\ExitDialog.wxs(33): warning LGHT1050: The 
> InstallUISequence table contains actions 'ExitDialog' and 'EnesysExitDialog' 
> which both have the same sequence number -1.  Please change the sequence 
> number for one of these actions to avoid an ICE warning.
> ...\src\EnesysISInstaller\EnesysExitDialog.wxs(25): warning LGHT1051: The 
> location of the action related to previous warning.
> But I don't reference any of those files with errors (Advanced, Minimal,
> ExitDialog)
> Is there some bug or did I miss something?
> Thank you
> Omar
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