I am using WiX 3.5 RTM (3.5.2519.0).  I have several x64 products that
depend on a COM+ application, and they may be installed either concurrently
or separately, so I am using a Wixlib to include the COM+ application in
the main feature of each product.  I use a custom dialog to prompt for a
user name and password to use as the application's identity.

    <ComponentGroup Id="MyApplication">

        <Component SharedDllRefCount="yes" Directory="WellKnownDir">

            <File KeyPath="yes" Name="MyApplication.dll" />

            <complus:ComPlusApplication Id="MyApplication" Name="My Name"


                <complus:ComPlusAssembly Id="MyAssembly" Type=".net"



                    <complus:ComPlusComponent Id="MyComponent1" CLSID="

                    <complus:ComPlusComponent Id="MyComponent2" CLSID="




        <Component SharedDllRefCount="yes" Directory="WellKnownDir">

            <File KeyPath="yes" Name="MyApplication.tlb" />


(I have used Orca to confirm that the auto-generated component GUIDs are
identical in both products.)

When I install the first product that contains this, it installs fine.  When
I install a second product that contains this,
theConfigureComPlusInstall_x64 action returns

                Error 28018. A COM+ application with the same name already
exists.  (0      )

This also appears in a pop-up message box, with options to Cancel, Retry,
and Ignore.  If I choose "Ignore", and if the second installer repeats the
user name and password prompts beforehand, this works fine.  If I choose
"Ignore", and if the second installer uses a FileSearch to suppress the
username/password prompt when MyApplication.dll is already installed, then
the install fails, and rolls back, and removes the COM+ application.  (The
failure appears to be because it tries to change the COM+ application’s
identity to Interactive User, and Server 2008 policy forbids this, but the
CA cannot change it back.)

I can see in the Installer\...\Components registry that it is registering
both products as clients of this Component, and the SharedDLLs registry
entry has a count of 2, so Windows Installer proper is maintaining the
correct reference count for this component.  However, the ComPlusExtension
is trying to install the application a second time when its key path
already has a reference count >= 1, and if this fails then it uninstalls
the application during rollback despite its key path having a reference
count > 1.

The one situation where reference counting works the way I expect it to is
during uninstall:  if I manage to install two products successfully,
uninstalling one of them does not remove the COM+ application, because its
reference count is still > 0.

The WiX documentation mentions the concept of a ComPlusApplication
"locator" or "locater".  I have the impression that the locator/locater
mechanism is for modifying an existing COM+ application, while a
ComPlusApplication in a Component is only supposed to create a new
application rather than modify an existing one?  That is not the behavior I
am observing, however.

I found that I can suppress the attempt to recreate the COM+ application by
setting NeverOverwrite="yes" on the Component.  I am not thrilled about
having to resort to this, but it does seem to eliminate the "COM+
application of the same name already exists" error and the need for the
user name/password prompt when MyApplication.dll is already present.

Does anyone have experience with this type of scenario -- sharing a COM+
application among multiple products?  I want to ensure that the uninstall,
repair, and maintenance behavior is robust.

(I realize the user-supplied Identity and Password adds additional
complications during repair and maintenance; I will start a separate thread
for this.)


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