
I'm adapting wixstdba to use a standard Win32 wizard rather than themes to deal 
with additional complex processing required during prerequisite checking, 
requesting and encrypting credentials of databases and other external systems 
and performing some post processing after the installation.

The call to BalManifestLoad fails and the logs show "Failed to load 
bootstrapper application manifest.". I narrowed it down to 
XmlLoadDocumentFromFile failing to load the xml.  

The bundle.wxs file looks as follows:

--- BEGIN SNIPPET ------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";>
        <Bundle Name="Sample.Setup.Bootstrapper" Version="" 
Manufacturer="Sample" UpgradeCode="b91f5d77-5ecb-4d1f-9546-078a071fdd50">
SourceFile="$(var.Sample.Setup.UI.TargetPath)" />
                        <MsiPackage SourceFile="$(var.Sample.Setup.TargetPath)" 
--- END SNIPPET --------------------------

And the manifest that is being generated in the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\TEMP\<GUID>" 
folder looks as follows:

--- BEGIN SNIPPET ------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
 <WixBundleProperties DisplayName="Sample.Setup.Bootstrapper" 
LogPathVariable="WixBundleLog" Compressed="no" />
 <WixPackageProperties Package="Sample.Setup.msi" Vital="yes" 
DisplayName="Sample" DownloadSize="32864" PackageSize="32864" 
InstalledSize="14" PackageType="Msi" Permanent="no" 
Compressed="yes" />
--- END SNIPPET -------------------------

The file is an XML file, however, its unclear why XmlLoadDocumentFromFile would 
fail. Documentation about how to implement a boostrapper from scratch and how 
it works is almost nonexistent. This makes it rather difficult to diagnose 
issues like this. 

I'd appreciate any help.


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