I have created a managed bootstrapper using burn.

At the end of the installation I want to provide the user with the option to 
start the IIS manager. For that I have a link on my UI.

Problem 1: If I just call 
Process.Start(@"%windir%\system32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe"), it fails because it 
cannot find the file. Since the bootstrapper is running as an x86 program, the 
File redirection kicking in, rerouting the call to 

Solution: Either call "%windir%\sysnative\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe or use 
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection. Though this works, it raises problem 2.

Problem 2: If I bypass the file redirection and call inetmgr.exe without using 
ShellExecute, the process fails stating that it requires elevation.

I have also tried to start the process with ShellExecute  or ShellExecute and 
the verb "runas". Nothing has worked so far.

Has anybody a solution for this?

Kind regards,
Henning Krause

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