
In my setup, I want to install 2 files say 'abc.txt' and 'efg.txt' in a 
separate location other than the default install location (INSTALLDIR). This 
separate location is also user-specified and I am storing the path in a 
property called 'NEWLOC1'. I also need to do a 'FileShare' of this location 
in read-mode. All other files will be installed in the default install 
location (INSTALLDIR) which also is user-specified. My main problem is that 
I don't know how to install these two files in the separate location 
([NEWLOC1]) other than INSTALLDIR.

I am using the following script to create the separate location and share 

<util:User Id='EveryUsr' Name='Everyone' />

<Directory Id='NEWLOC1'>
    <Component Id='MyCompShareNewLoc' 
      <util:FileShare Id='MyShrNewLoc' Name='NewLocShare'>
        <util:FileSharePermission User="EveryUsr" GenericExecute='yes' 
GenericRead='yes' Read='yes' />

In another fragment file:

<DirectoryRef Id='NEWLOC1'>
    <Component Id='CompABC' Guid='F89F12A5-3D24-4FE6-BAA0-F280EA6DC70A'>
        <File Id='FileABC' Name='abc.txt' DiskId='1' Source='.\abc.txt' />
    <Component Id='CompEFG' Guid='FFF2F006-CAFF-4C42-9C12-D2C979D8F01F'>
        <File Id='FileEFG' Name='efg.txt' DiskId='1' Source='.\efg.txt' />

The problem is that I am getting a 'light' link error:

error LGHT0204: ICE18: KeyPath for Component: 'MyCompShareNewLoc' is 
Directory: 'NEWLOC1'. The Directory/Component pair must be listed in the 
CreateFolders table.

Please help me in finding a solution to my problem.

With Regards,
// Sudripta.

Thanking You,
With Regards,

// Sudripta Nandy
S.D.E (Systems Programming),

  SARANGSoft (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Kolkata, India.
Phone: +91 33 4008 9813.   Extn: 24
Visit: http://www.sarangsoft.com/

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