Hm... is it necessary that the tlb file is installed? I could provide this file 
in the network folder...

And if not, is the location important?

No, I did not use /codebase... I better should I suppose ;-) Ok, I will 
evaluate that.

Thx so far

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Peter Shirtcliffe [] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 30. August 2012 11:13
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: [Spam-Wahrscheinlichkeit=37]Re: [WiX-users] 
[Spam-Wahrscheinlichkeit=27]Re: To regasm or to notregasm...

Yes, the File element installs the file.
Did you specify /codebase when running regasm ? If you do, the wix source code 
contains the "codebase" registry values that I mentioned. If you omit 
/codebase, .Net assumes the dll is in the GAC.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Hausknecht []
Sent: 30 August 2012 10:08
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] [Spam-Wahrscheinlichkeit=27]Re: To regasm or to not 

Thank you for your hints. On my machine I did not found the ``tlbexp`` program 
- but ``regasm`` provides the ``/tlb``-option. I used that one to extract the 
typelib informations. I "heated" both files, the "reg" and the "tlb" file with 
heat and put the Component / ComponentGroup in my feature. It seems to work, 
although the client does not start yet... I hope that is based upon other 
things or small details. Conceptually I like this approach - and if there is 
not much change within the DLLs, the manual adaption of the heat-output is 

One thing I am not yet sure about is the output from heat from the tlb-file:

            <Component Id="cmp11F9322FF1064D034FA4BA9BCF618492"
                <File Id="filA9EB85D16EFF314C782F721AFA2261D2" KeyPath="yes"
                    <TypeLib Id="{49BC1412-C947-4A6D-B95A-57E0E02BFF4A}"
HelpDirectory="dirDAF1C2FD4864E498714038FD83871114" Language="0"
MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0">
Id="{1CBBF282-15AF-31B7-AAB2-D5DB582EBA6D}" Name="_Form"
ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
Id="{3C242570-930A-307B-8991-6C6EE413F432}" Name="_CConnectionClass"
ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
Id="{6A6B94C5-BCF4-314F-9363-D6F910C89B51}" Name="IAdoNetInterface"
ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
Id="{99ECAE46-1F0D-34AC-95DB-C7CA3F81DF2D}" Name="_CAdoNet"
ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />

In the <file>-Tag is the only path information I found - is this file being 
installed somewhere? And if so, where the hack is the relation to the locations 
of the DLLs? I would strongly assume, that *somewhere* there must be a path 
information for the program in order to "find" the needed Objects.
The whole process of registering DLLs in a registry and so on has the reason, 
that a program can search the registry in order to find a DLL and then load and 
us it. Or am I wrong with that?

I that is right, where is the relation???

Perhaps there is still missing something and that is the reason, why the 
program does not start...

Hopefully someone can help me furthermore!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Peter Shirtcliffe []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 29. August 2012 18:05
An: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Betreff: [Spam-Wahrscheinlichkeit=27]Re: [WiX-users] To regasm or to not 

When I last regasmed anything, I was using Wix2 and the tallow tool but the 
process should apply to heat too. 

Regasm /regfile doesn't create type lib, so use tlbexp to create a type lib. 
Use <typelib> elements to register the type lib.
Use regasm /regfile to create a registration file.
Use heat to convert the registration file to <registryvalues> in wix source 
In the wix source code, replace any codebase (or other) paths with the 
[SOMEPROPERTY] syntax. (Normally, you'd set the paths to [#DLL File ID].)

Ideally you should harvest from a machine that's as clean as possible. You can 
set SOMEPROPERTY at install time to the full dll path.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Hausknecht []
Sent: 29 August 2012 16:44
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] To regasm or to not regasm...

Hello folks,

me again :-D

The next problem I must solve requires some experience that I do not have, so I 
hope I can get good advice as usual from here :)

Base problem is quite easy: I need to register some DLLs during installation 

But my initial situation is like this:
I do not install the DLLs on the local system! They are already located in a 
mounted net drive (is it called like this in the Windows-World?). The proper 
location can be different on every system, so one might have access to it like 
this "X:\foo\bar\bin\MyDLL.dll" some other might have a different drive name.  
So the path to the dll differs.

My question is now: Is it possible to use ``heat`` to harvest the information
*once* from the build-server and integrate them into my wix-project as usual?
That is the way Rob mentioned here:

But is that an option for my situation? Is the path something that affects the 
registration? And is it possible just to keep some parts (e.g.
TypeLib-Part?!?) from the heat-output, as I do not want to install the dll 
locally? So can I just "register" the dlls with wix or is there always an 
installation process on top? And if so, what "parts" do I need?

If all else fails I think I just have to call ``regasm`` from a CustomAction
- that should not be the problem to implement. But as Rob mentioned, it is 
perhaps not a good solution. So if it is possible to solve this with "plain"
wix, I would definitely appreciate that.

I hope it is understandable for you, sorry my English is not so good :(

If something is still confusing or not sufficiently explained, please let me 
know. If not, please help me :)

Best regards,

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Christian Hausknecht

Beratung und Software-Entwicklung GmbH & Co. KG Weidestr. 134, 22083 Hamburg
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