Hi can someone please explain the way the ordering works in Wix. I'm unsure
about the logic and would greatly appreciate if someone could help me. I
have this next button:



        <Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56"
Height="17" Text="Next">

          <Publish Event="DoAction"
Value="ValidateChannels"><![CDATA[DEVICETYPE <> "1"]]></Publish>

          <Publish Event="SpawnDialog"
Value="InvalidChannelsDlg"><![CDATA[CHANNELSVALIDATED = "0"]]></Publish>

         <Publish Event="DoAction"
Value="GetDatascanInfo"><![CDATA[DEVICETYPE <> "1"]]></Publish>

          <Publish Event="AddLocal" Value="Solo"><![CDATA[DEVICETYPE =

          <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="NumLoggersDlg"
><![CDATA[(VARIANT = "Max") AND (NOT FILEEXISTS)]]></Publish>

          <Publish Event="NewDialog" Value="InstallDirDlg">1</Publish>



I want these events to be run from the top downwards so (Validate channels -
InvalidChannelsDlg - GetDatascanInfo - AddLocal - NumLoggersDlg -



Kind Regards,


Natalie Carr


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