Yeah; I know all about this, though I'll be learning more.  And what you said 
about VS integration, you guys should develop full integration with VS; all 
project types including patches and what not, dialogue editors, and wizards.  
But anyway, that's another topic for another day.  Well, I don't know.  This 
guy's insistent on what is easier for him, and I won't lie, where it's taken me 
hundreds of searches on the Internet to learn about Windows Installer and even 
now I still don't get it with all of this DTF stuff thrown in as well, it only 
took me a couple of look-throughs of the Inno help file, so I see where this 
guy's coming from.  I just have to hound him, I guess and possibly get myself 
kicked off the project?  

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] I have heard that MSI is too complicated from a 
programmer's prospective

I don't know much about Inno, but reasons for us to use MSI include:
- rollbacks
- patches (i.e., replacing less than full files), including with rollbacks
- logging
- integrates with Windows directly
- and, maybe in the future, SCCM connections
- Visual Studio integration (not as important now, but while we were learning, 
it helped)
- Windows Installer terminology (which is admittedly double edged as a virtue)

Keith Douglas
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-----Original Message-----
From: Katherine Moss []
Sent: October-04-12 3:43 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Subject: [WiX-users] I have heard that MSI is too complicated from a 
programmer's prospective

Hi guys,
Since I am just learning to be a .NET C# programmer, can somebody shed light on 
why using WiX over something like Inno would be more complicated and why 
programmers are often less compelled to use WiX?  I'm asking this because my 
friend has got a project he's working on where the main programmer is insistent 
on using Inno instead of WiX.  It's bothering me because if my friend wants his 
product to be more administrator-friendly and compatible with group policy, 
doesn't he need to be using MSI technologies?  I mean, he wants that 
administrative/ease-of-deployment across multiple servers/workstations edge, 
but is he going to get it using Inno?  And if not, then what can I say to these 
people to help dispel the supposed "complications" of Windows Installer?  
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