Sounds like the Component Rules are being violated. If the keys were still
needed they should not have been removed.

On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Maxim Kopeyka <> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I have a problem with registry. My application uses several GPL tools
> and one of them is GhostScript.
> So, installer checks the registry, maybe user already has the same
> version of GS
> <Property Id="GS_64">
>      <RegistrySearch Id="gs_dll"
>          Root="HKLM"
>          Key="SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\9.06"
>          Name="GS_DLL"
>          Type="file"
>          Win64="yes" />
> </Property>
> Otherwise these registry keya will be created
> <Component Id="add_gs_64" Directory="TARGETDIR"
> Guid="{65207ECA-9C47-4ddc-AABB-137B04010CD2}" Win64="yes">
>      <Condition>GS_64 = ""</Condition>
>      <RegistryKey Root="HKLM"
>          Key="SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\9.06">
>              <RegistryValue Id="GS_DLL_64"
>                  Type="string"
>                  Name="GS_DLL"
>                  Value="[localBinGSx64]gsdll64.dll"/>
>      </RegistryKey>
>      <RegistryKey Root="HKLM"
>          Key="SOFTWARE\GPL Ghostscript\9.06">
>          <RegistryValue Id="GS_LIB_64"
>              Type="string"
>              Name="GS_LIB"
>              Value="[localBinGSx64]"/>
>      </RegistryKey>
> </Component>
> It works fine until I update installer v.N-1 to v.N:
>  1. v.N checks registry - key exists
>  2. v.N-1 deletes key created during the installation
>  3. v.N doesn't create a registry keys however these keys not exist anymore
> So, how can I check the registry after v.N-1 will be uninstalled?
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Maxim
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